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Request from anxietyler

Desc: You and Dom get a little too wound up after his show. But once he realises you're uncomfortable he stops without you even having to say so

He did look hot. His little smile. The way he'd grind against the mic stand. And his smirk that accompanied it all when he was looking directly at me on side stage. It didn't die down by the time he ran off the stage either, and he gripped my face and kissed me roughly, insinuating much more
"Cmon y/n" he took me by the hand and started practically running back to the dressing room, not caring who saw, just wanting to get his hands on me "Fuck me you looked so gorgeous." He said, pulling me inside and locking the door behind him. I wasn't as in the mood as him, but it was almost tradition that we did this at the last show in each venue. He pushed me up against the door and kissed me again, making out with me whilst he was clearly so desperate. His hands wandered before eventually finding their way to my belt and attempting to unbuckle it. That made me freeze but I let him do it anyway, him too in a trance to notice. Or so I thought. I had my eyes closed and head back against the door just giving in to him, since everyone else expected the same.

"Y/n baby. You alright?" I opened my eyes when I felt him touch my face and nodded
"Yeah. Just a bit off that's all."
"Fuck." He cursed "I should've asked. Baby you know you can say no to me right?" I shook my head, begining to feel a little pathetic that I was close to crying at a man doing the bare minimum.
"You're so...I don't fucking know. You wanted it. And you're my boyfriend and-"
"Shh. Come here" he pulled me into his chest and gently shushed me "Don't ever think you have to give anything to me you don't want." He kissed the top of my head and I felt so safe on his arms. Like no one had ever hurt me in that way before. And he never would. Not that I believed anywhere in his pure self was the ability to hurt anyone.

I didn't seem to be moving so he gently tapped my thighs before picking me up "Come on baby." He sat down on the small sofa, letting me lay against his chest trying to calm down
"Is it not uncomfortable though?" He chuckled
"Not enough to force you into having sex with me. Nothing is bad enough to warrant that. Just want you to know you can say no." I nodded and we stayed there in silence for a little bit whilst he clearly collected his thoughts on the situation "fuck me. No one should ever make you feel like you have to do that. Who made you feel like that?"
"Pretty much everyone I've been with."
"Not me. Not ever. You can say no to me whenever. Before or during. It's mutual. So we must both agree to do it. Okay?" I nodded and was just getting comfortable before I remembered
"Meet and greet dumbass." I reminded, making him chuckle
"Just a little longer with my baby. Show them how much i love em."
"I promise I'll make it up to you."
"There no making up to do. Well have sex when you're ready and comfortable. Just because we've done it before don't mean I expect it from you. You can always always say no. Promise." I nuzzled into his neck making him melt at the pure action
"I love you Dommy."
"I love you too y/n."

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