009|| Diagon Alley ⅱ

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Lily's wand^^


Harry stands outside the shop as Lily enters.

"Ah Miss Potter, I was waiting for you" Ollivander says smiling.

Ollivander goes to the shelves as he took a wand as he gave it to her as Lily waved and all the boxes crashed to the floor.

Lily's eyes widened as she places the wand on the counter.

Harry snickered from outside.

Lily playfully glares at harry who pouts back.

As Ollivander goes searching for another one Lily looks around and steps near the wand in the window as she gasps.

Ollivander comes out of the shelves as his eyes widened. 

"That Miss Potter is The wand that belonged to Merlin" Ollivander says in wonder.

"And you are an extremely powerful witch. You see Miss Potter, usually a witch or wizard has to hold their wand and sometimes give it wave as you did before this" Ollivander says pointing to the wand on the counter.

 "But you have picked a wand by feeling it's power, No one except Merlin could do that. That wand is Made from a basilisk horn wood and the core is phoenix blood, It's extremely rare and near impossible to get. Take care of it Miss Potter. He will come searching for it" Ollivander finishes.

Everyone Looks at Lillian in wonder. How powerful is this girl?

"You can take it for free Miss Potter" Ollivander smiles as Lily thanks Him.



I have successfully finished my exams without dying :D

I know this chapter is short, I will update the next chapter tomorrow.

Also please tell me if i should add this to the previous one or if it's fine being two different chapters..

Hope you like this chapter <3


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