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I start dying laughing at a joke Jordan said. You pull up in your car right next to us to pick me up from school. I look over and smile at you. I turn back around towards Jordan and give her a big hug goodbye and go into the car and I see Jordan with a frown on her face. I give you a kiss and turn up the music because you're playing the playlist I made for you. I decide to text Jordan and ask her what's wrong. As I'm texting your talking to me and I start zoning out. You look over at me when your at a red light and notice I'm not listening and shake your head. You ask if I've been listening and I look up and say of course I am. You ask me to repeat what you said and I look up at you since I know I wasn't listening and there's silence.

I go into the store to grab some things and leave my phone. I come back into the car and see you holding my phone and a very angry expression. You hand my phone over to me and I see a text from Jordan saying that you don't deserve me. I shake my head and try to explain and you look at me and I know in that moment I shouldn't speak. You drive us home in complete silence. I get outside the car and you drive off. You need time to yourself to relax. Time goes by and I do my homework for my professors and start to head to bed. I am awoken from my sleep from hearing you come into the house.

You look at me in the eyes. I sit there looking at you trying to read your mind and you walk over and choke me while looking in my eyes. All I see in your eyes is lust and anger. You instruct me to kneel for you. You start to undress while staring in my eyes until your in your boxers and sports bra. You take off your boxers and instruct me to start eating you out. I do as told and you start grabbing my hair and holding your moans in. As soon as you cum you throw me onto the bed. You quickly grab your strap and shove it down my throat. You start to climb on top of me and make a face.

You turn me around so quick and start fucking me from behind. Roughly. I'm screaming out your name and you whisper in my ear whos is it? I scream out that it's yours and only yours. You then slap my ass and whisper in my ear yes it's mine slut, only mine not that bitch Jordan. In that moment I try to look at you and you force my head down and start giving me deep strokes. Then in that very moment we hear a phone ring and I can't even see who's phone it is because you're not slowing up one bit. You slow down for a second and start to say how i'm such a dirty slut and how I only belong to you and I scream out Yes only you. Just then and there I start to hear Jordan's voice on the speaker phone and the sound of the phone hanging up. You stop what you're doing and pull out. You kiss my forehead and whisper in my ear never speak to her again. Then cuddle me to sleep.

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