Reckless (JJ)

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Summary: JJ is not welcomed home when he comes home drunk from a party.

word count: 910

Y/n's POV:

My boyfriend, JJ, normally crashes at my place because my parents are never home. It was getting late and it appeared to me that it was another night of him coming home late. He sure has been doing this a lot recently and it's starting to really piss me off. He'd come home high and drunk off his ass three times in the past week. He goes to these crazy parties all alone and idk what to do at this point.

I decided that he probably wasn't coming home so I got ready for bed and crawled under my big comforter. I opened my laptop and turned on a movie for background noise as I tried to forget the fact that I didn't know where my boyfriend was. I soon drifted into a light sleep.

I was woken up when I heard a crash in my living room. My heart started racing and I didn't know what was happening. I grabbed my phone as a flashlight and creeped downstairs as quite as possible. And there he was, my boyfriend. "JJ you scared me!" I said. "I'm sorry babe" he said slurring his words and walking towards me barely able to stay on two feet. He fell into my arms and I could barely see the blue through his bloodshot eyes. I pushed him off of me and onto the couch.

This is it, I've had it with him acting like this. "JJ we need to talk." "Come on Y/n don't break up with me." "I'm not gonna break up with you unless you don't change your ways" I tried to reason with him. "what ways" JJ said sarcastically. Now I was mad. "JJ YOU GO TO PARTIES AND YOU DRINK AND SMOKE AND NO ONE KNOWS WHERE YOU ARE AND YOURE JUST BEING RECKLESS LIKE YOUR DAD." I could tell by his face that no matter how drunk he was that one stung. The next thing I knew he was out the door, starting up his motorcycle.   

I did one of the worst things by saying he was like his dad. JJ  was nothing like his dad, he treats me right, protects everyone in our friend group, and despite what he says he really does try in school. I know he just uses drugs and alcohol to cope with his home life.

I knew he was driving around drunk so I quickly got my keys from my room and rushed into my car. I started off by driving to his house, fast. I didn't want him to go home to his dad like that because he couldn't fight as drunk as he was. He luckily wasn't there, but that means he's still out on the road. I drove over to John B's house and there was his bike. I was so relived to know he was safe.

I knocked on the door and after a bit a very tired John B answered. "Y/n what are you doing here this late," he asked while yawning. "Isnt JJ here?" "No." "But his bike is here." "Y/n he hasn't been here since 5 why are you looking for him." "Because we got in a fight because he was drunk and high and he drove off." "Ok calm down if his bike is here he's got to be close I'll drive around and you walk down to the beach and look there," John B said grabbing his keys and giving me a side hug.

I started to walk to the beach with my phone flashlight guiding me. Soon I came up upon JJ, but before he could see me I texted John B. "JJ" I whispered. He turned around with a beee in his hand and a tear stained face. I ran up to hug him but I was quickly pushed away. "JJ please I didn't mean to compare you to your dad, your nothing like your dad. "No you know what Y/n I'm just like my dad. The only thing I'm good for is drinking and drugs me and you will never work, I'm just going to be a jailbird." "No JJ," I whispered between tears. I went to hug him again but he interrupted me, "Y/n go home, it's late." I cried out again and just looked into his eyes, unable to move. He took my hand and walked me up to John B's house, forcing me to get in my car and drive home. "I'll crash here tonight" he said as he shut my car door.

I went home, but instead of sleeping I turned on The Fresh Prince of Bell Air and made popcorn. At some point I must have fallen asleep on my couch because I was woken up at 9:04 am by a knock at my door. I looked through the peephole and saw no other than JJ Maybank. I unlocked it and opened it up.

"Look Y/n I've done a lot of thinking about everything that happened last night and you're right. I've been getting too reckless with my life and I see why your worried. It is starting to ruin our relationship, but I'm willing to try again if you are." I was completely speechless and my eyes were watering, I'm so emotional from exhaustion. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried into his chest. This was the best feeling ever.

A/n- hey guys lmk what you think and if you have any requests i have some good ideas coming up soon!!

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