Third person POV

Saiki shows the handsome young boy pretty much everything he could do. The purple haired boy was mostly interested in his strength, and his power to read people's minds. At the thought of that, Kuboyasu went red thinking of Saiki listening to his thoughts about him. Kuboyasu was happy that he finally found someone who loves him as much as he loves them. Saiki and Kuboyasu hung out a lot during the week. Rumours started going around that they were long lost brothers, but then they got worse by saying they were a couple. Saiki liked but at the same time didn't like the thought of that though, but he's not sure if the one and only Teruhashi Kokomi was happy about it...

{time skip, 2 and a half weeks, Wednesday}
Teruhashi POV•

💭 That stupid purple haired man whore!!💭I thought to myself. He's such a rat! How dare he steal my one and only Saiki-Kun from me! Now I can't have an excuse when all the pervy boys in my class want me! I must- no I WILL find a way to get rid of him. I'm so frustrated and angry but...I'm also.. sad...Aha! Maybe if I fake cry Saiki-Kun will notice me and leave that dump of a dude! Alright, first I need to find a spot where Saiki is and where there's not a lot of boys. Then I have to set up my acting. Last but not least Saiki will fall for my trap and then we can be lovers again! This better work. Or else..Or else I'll send that stupid purple haired rat out of this school with the help of my beauty!

Saiki POV•

Well, Now I guess I have to deal with her. Also Kuboyasu has a name y'know! And he's nothing near stupid! Ugh. Anyways, I need to find a solution to this soon to be problem of the one and only Teruhashi Kokomi. I wonder what I should do though.. I could simply just walk by her, but that's just rude, and she'd probably get all of her boyfriends to come and murder me. But of course they couldn't, because I am psychic. Or maybe I could make sure she's okay even though I know she's lying and then walk away. No, she would then latch on to me like a mother duck and her ducklings. What if I just wait then? Maybe I should. Yeah, I'll just wait and see what happens. But first I need to find where her crying spot is. She's probably going to stare at me from a corner and wait till I go into the corridor she's in. Maybe if she looks at me then gets ready, I'll just stay in the corridor I'm in. Sure. Lets do that. Actually, Talking about the one and only Teruhashi Kokomi, where is Kuboyasu? I was supposed to meet him here a while ago.. Should I use Clairvoyance to check on him..No. he's probably fine. If I was an average human being and got into a fight with him, I'd probably lose. But luckily I'm not average. But I really need to find hi-

Kuboyasu POV•

Saiki Told me to meet up with him earlier on today. I'm supposed to go to his house to study later on, That's probably why. But I couldn't find him anywhere so I decide to roam the halls for a bit since I technically didn't know where I was going, But then I bump into a dark blue haired beauty. She looked at me for a split second, KNOWING that I bumped into her by and accident. "Oh I'm sorr-" I get cut off. By pepper spray. she's one of those women who always have self defence keys on her, and still decided to pepper spray me even though she saw me, almost like she wanted to do it to me specifically. "AGHHHHHHHHH!!! MY EYES!!!" I couldn't feel my eyes. All I could feel was pain. In my eyes of course. But of course, I know how to deal with this, I was a thug after all. I've been through much worse. I open my eyes in the slightest, I can see that the dark blue haired devil has a smug look on her face. I was already sick of her. So I did what I had to do. "Sorry in advance." I say to her. I grab her by her hair swing her around and position her as if I'm going to choke her. She still doesn't take that smug look off of her face though. "You're done for." She says. (even her voice sounds like the devil!) In confusion I tighten my grip. She makes a noise, but I don't think it was at my grip.. She was...fake crying..?! And the next thing I knew, I was surrounded in a giant crowd of "men".

•Saiki POV•

"AGHHHHHHHHH!!! MY EYES!!!" I hear faintly from afar. 💭KUBOYASU?!?!!!💭 I think to myself. I immediately start sprinting. I wonder if it's one of the Nendou's that messed with him. Well he was screaming out his eyes so what could've they done?? Stop it Kusuo, You need to focus on where he is and see if it's safe to teleport. Clairvoyance! I stop running for a split second and decide to use it. 💭Ugh..where is he...-OH NO.💭 Yup, you guessed it, he was with the one and only Teruhashi SHITKomi. And he looked like he got..pepper sprayed?! I know this is rude and all but.. TERUHASHI IS SUCH A BITCH!! I keep on running. I already forget what direction I was going because I was too worried. 💭I have a feeling that it was this corne-💭 I stop. In shock. He's surrounded by a bunch of boys. What did she do now?! I look over to the right of Kuboyasu.. and there she was, Teruhashi Kokomi with a giant red mark on her neck. She also looked like she was crying. FAKE crying to be exact. Kuboyasu on the other hand was completely fine. He just looked merely confused. Seriously though, Teruhashi took it too far. I'm going to have to speak to her. Well I guess I can go and get Kuboyasu now. I walk through the giant crowd of fuming boys who were so angry I could feel the heat off of them. I grabbed Kuboyasu's hand with a slight tight grip, But he wouldn't budge. I glance back at him and Teruhashi is pulling him back. I take a look at Teruhashi and she looks MAD. So, I did what I got to do. "I'm going to leave you with her, I'm sorry. Just tell me what happens through thought, and if it's something urgent, just call my name." I tell Kuboyasu through Telepathy. He nods. I let go of his hand and walk away. I could feel Teruhashi's death stare from a mile away. "You can just meet me at my place." I say again through telepathy. "Alright. Love you Saiki-san" He says in his mind. I go red. I really hope that he's going to be okay. "I love you too. Stay safe." I say back through telepathy.
{2019 words! That's definitely an improvement, it's more than two times as much as the 1st part 😫}

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