Chapter 4

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I used my Grappleshot to attach to a bipedal walker that was standing guard. I landed on top of it, opened it’s hatch, and dropped a frag grenade in. I jumped off, landing on a trooper. I used my Repulsor to topple another bipedal walker as the first exploded. “Two guys behind you.” I turned and shot 2 quick bursts into their chests, ripping their armor apart. “That was brutal.” I stayed silent, shooting through the troops, their ranks quickly thinning. When my magazine was empty, I put the gun on my back, pulling out my combat knife. I activated my camo, disappearing from sight again, but this time going behind troops and stabbing them in their backs, necks, arms and legs. I put my knife away, pulled out my Sidekick, and pointed it at their officer. “Why were you trying to get into my ship?”
He stuttered, trying to speak, but failed. I sighed, then heard someone behind me say, “How…?” I turned my head to the people behind me, seeing the group from the highway. “What do you want?” They turned to me fully, just noticing my presence. Before they could react, I pointed my Sidekick at them and fired.
The shot hit just past them, nailing a soldier who was trying to sneak up behind them. They turned towards the semi-loud thump the body made. They saw the man, with a hole in his forehead, red blood oozing out.
“Now that was brutal.” Circ said through my external speakers, catching the group off guard. In their confusion and surprise, the officer tried to escape, met only with a bullet to the leg. “I didn’t get my answers yet, so you don’t get to leave yet.” He looked past me, and through his pain, sneered. “Rebel scum.” I looked at them, confused. Rebels? I stood and gave them a long look. I saw a ship start quickly moving towards us in the distance. “Friends?” I asked the group, and they nodded, still taking in the scene. “Good, because I still need answers, and I’ll guess that you would be more than happy to take this coward into your custody.” I gestured to the limp man. “Guess he’s dead.” Circ said. “But that was so much fun. We’re having a pizza party when we get home!” I smiled at Circ’s happiness at the situation. We would need it.

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