"Brother, you look so pretty." She gushed, "Men will be fawning all over you, I can already feel it."

Salem chuckled when he saw the dazed look in her eyes. See, as the Avatar of Lust, she was an empath in all feelings related to romance. She didn't need physical contact for it. It was simply a sixth sense for her. She felt how people lusted after others, how they lusted after her and her family. All that energy, especially when aimed at her or Salem, never failed to make her stronger. It was why she loved attention so much. It was almost like a drug to her. Just a single inappropriate thought was enough, and people always had more than one of those.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Princess Eleena, Prince Salem." A voice called from outside the locked door.

"Yes, Carlisle?" Eleena asked.

"What is it?" Salem continued.

"Your father's calling for you in his study." Carlisle informed.

"We'll be out in a bit." The twins answered.

Seeing as they were only in their underwear (yes, they were that comfortable with each other), they decided to cover up more. They grabbed their identical black nightshirts and threw them on before leaving the room. Salem didn't bother wiping away any of the make-up he was wearing. It wasn't like the household minded his femininity. They'd known about his particular taste for a long time now. No one had blinked an eye, especially Eleena and Lucifer. Eleena, of course, had already had a feeling and Lucifer just couldn't care less as long as his son was happy.

"Do you think we did something to piss him off?" Salem mused.

"No, definitely not." Eleena denied.

"Do you think someone else did something to piss him off?"

"That's more likely. Maybe another journalist wrote a scandal about us?"

"If that's the case, it'll be fun watching dad rip him apart."

"True. Well, whatever it is, we're about to find out."

The twins stopped in front of the double doors leading to Lucifer's study and pushed them open, taking in the sight of the room. It was one of the biggest parts of the manor. Lucifer had made sure of it since he used the room quite often. It had two floors with shelved walls filled to the brim with a variety of books in different languages, a number of them old and very much ancient. It was more like a library than an actual study but the twins loved it like that. They were very familiar with most, if not all, of the books there since they loved spending time there so much. They could learn and bond with Lucifer at the same time, even if it was just reading in silence while sitting on the same couch. It was their thing together, ever since the twins had learnt how to read.

They stopped their marveling in favor of addressing the demon seated behind the desk by the arched window. He was sorting through files, probably more investment offers since every business wanted connections with the Morningstars these days. He skimmed through them a second more before sliding them away from him and looking up with a smile.

"Great, you're here. I have a surprise for the two of you." He said, standing to his feet.

"What is it?" The twins curiously stepped forward.


Eleena gently took the piece of paper Lucifer offered. It was a charcoal sketch; one the twins had seen before and had dutifully memorized each detail of. It presented a picture of a beautiful dark-haired woman dressed in elegant robes adorned with jewels and gems. In the distant background was a cozy cottage surrounded by an orchard of oak trees, her home for the short time Lucifer had known her. The most eye-catching detail, however, was the ornate diadem the woman wore atop her head. It was the only thing that was splashed with a color aside from black, which meant it must have been of great importance to her. This woman was Helena, the mother Salem and Eleena had never gotten the chance to know and love.

Hell's Princess {H. Potter}Where stories live. Discover now