Moving in/Confrontation/Offer

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''Why does Zox make me wait for Astro? He can handle himself and do his own thing' I thought to myself as I was sick and tired of waiting for them and the rest so I decided to head upstairs and wait for them there. We plan to destroy our next class, however, I rest leaning against the wall on the last floor and I sighed in annoyance walking up to the fourth floor. The red lights follow me everywhere I go hands on my pockets warming themselves there and then as I head to the closest restroom freshening myself up once I am done I head up to my destination cursing incoherent words floating from my mouth until I see. Her short white blonde hair glowed as an infinite star across the galaxy, her turquoise eyes shone through her almond-shaped pupils making her face look as round as a beautiful ball matching her agape curious face almost making me vulnerable right then and there. I knew I was feeling something I hadn't felt for a long time and this was too much to bare and while staring at her. She was indeed a struggling damsel in distress with those bags of hers, however, she didn't show any struggle in front of me but curiosity. I suddenly hear my 'friends' coming down so I mutter so she can hear,

"Stop staring and start leaving," as I place my slender hands inside his pockets. Halfway down the stairs, I was 4 steps away from her. She started looking at me in confusion as she hurriedly gathered her bags down I saw her struggling moreover that didn't stop me from groaning annoyed at the fact that she didn't even bother to ask me and I took both her bags while walking down the stairs to the entrance.

"Go now and don't look for trouble again," I say to her firmly staring at her again into those beautiful eyes of hers as I quickly headed up the stairs to wear the boys walked the hallway.

"I'm tired of waiting for u idiots," I grumbled while crossing my arms in front of my chest as I leaned against the wall once again where I once stood. Soon enough they showed up,

"Come on Razer you should know by now that I 'Astro the Great' have to maintain the appearance of The Furious Red!" said Astro Rowling as he chuckled.

I roll my eyes at them as we head downstairs, hoping that the girl is as safe and far from this place as she can.

Third Person POV:

While managing to get away from the boy's dorm Aya headed in the right direction she asked a few minutes prior. It took her a hot minute to get across the swarming wave of people gathered at the girl's dorm which was covered in announcement posters and party posters in all different types of styles. Pop, rock, and spunky ones too.

'I wonder if one of these girls could help me.' Aya wondered as she walked up to the closest girl by the dorm that was full of girls in fuschia sweaters except for the one. She was sitting cross-legged with a dark brown sweater and different types of badges, she was a brunette girl, and then Aya spoke up, "Pardon me does any of you know where I might find the sign-in section and my room?"

The girl looked up at her and smiled standing in front of her saying, "Welcome to Oa Academy! And btw this is the sign-in section."

The other girls noticed Aya almost immediately and smiled at her too as one of them said, "Your room is on level 4 correct?"

Aya nods.

"Well, follow Carol she knows the whole layout of this place." the random girl pointed at the brunette that welcomed her who in return smiled back. Moreover, Carol noticed her bags and said,

"Let me help u with those I bet they're heavy as statues."

"I humbly appreciate it I hope u don't mind. However, I could still manage it- "

"Nonsense we girls gotta stick together!" Carol exclaims immediately grabbing one of Aya's luggage as they both head in together but before they can Aya runs back down to the sign-in section and finds the paper there on the table. She signs herself in and quickly runs to where Carol giggles at her forgetfulness.

Why Do You Trust Me? Razer x Aya fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum