hopeless romantic

Start from the beginning

Nat,Steve and y/n: Clint

Clint: me

Wade: so who did he get

Bucky: no nonono no no no nono

Y/n: he got sam

Bucky: y/n whyyyyy

Y/n: I'm sorry buck but it's still fine bc sam will never know

Y/n: and If anyone tells sam they'll face my wrath

Everyone: got it

Y/n: ok so everyone go and take the quiz Bucky wait for us:)

Timeskip 2 mins brought to you by Bucky who is still crying over the fact that he got sam


Bucky: so who did you get

Peter: I got mr.stark

Y/n: awww irondad and spiderson<3

Steve: I got Clint...

Clint: I got thor

Nat: I got myself

Tony: same

Steve: tony you got Natasha?

Y/n: no same as in he got himself

Tony: what she said

Wade: I got thor too

Clint: Thor's mine buddy back off

Wade: he's all yours I don't want him

Pietro: I got Scott....yk this shit isn't even accurate right

Steve: langauge:)

Pietro: :):):):):):):)


Loki: I got strange

Y/n: froststrange!!!!!!!!!

Loki: no.

Y/n: :(

Wanda: I got vision

Y/n: well ofc you're married to him

Pietro: w-wait what!?

Wanda: its no big deal we got married when you were still in a coma

Pietro: not a big deal!??? I didn't even know

Wanda: well I thought you were dead

Pietro: you married vision? Vision?

Wanda: yea what about him?

Pietro: him? "he" is a machine. You might as well have married a microwave

Wanda: 👁️👄👁️

Tony: ladies ladies calm down

Y/n: pie that's not nice

Pietro: well I'm sorry I was just upset she didn't invite me

Wanda: you were in a freaking coma

Pietro: well you could have waited

Wanda: I thought you were dead!

Vision joined

Vision: what's happening

Pietro: marrying my sister didn't make you any human than a digital watch

Vision: well atleast I have the guts to ask the woman I love to marry me

Vision left

Pietro: -_-

Wanda: these two fight everyday

Tony: and how does that supposed to make you feel

Wanda: you're not a therapist stark

Tony: another dream down the drain

Wade: tony the therapist stark

Wanda: but to ans your question I find it amusing

Wanda left

Y/n: Pietro Dhanjo Maximoff!!!

Y/n: you have a fucking crush and you fucking didn't tell me!?

Y/n: and to think I was your bsf

Pietro: don't listen to vision he doesn't know what he's talking about

Pietro: and you are my bsf dumbfuck

Steve: I won't say it I'll just leave

Steve left

Y/n: you're my bsf too dumbfuck

Loki: I thought I was your bsf

Peter: I thought I was your bsf

Wade: I thought I was your bsf

Bucky: I thought I was your bsf

Clint: I thought I was your bsf

Y/n: all.of you guys are my bsf but I'm closer to pietro

Nat: she's right she is closer to pietro they've known each other since he was tortured by hydra way before what happened in new york

Y/n: c'mon guys yk I still love you

Loki,wade,peter,Bucky,Clint: well you're lucky we can't stay mad at you

Nat: enough about this y/n who did you get!?


Wade: y/n!?

Y/n: I got Bucky..


Clint: Bucky's blushing

Nat: loki and pietro look like they're gonna crush-

Thanos joined

Y/n: hey purple raisin aren't you supposed to be ded

Thanos: um rude and I wanted to apologise

Nat: 0_o

Thanos: ok so I did all that to impress lady death but she chose wade over me

Pietro: #rejected

Peter: I feel you man

Wade: no one can resist my charm

Y/n: no offense but I think me,nat,Carol,wanda,pepper,hope,nebula, Jessica,daisy,Maria and some other girls (I have a long list) resisted your charm:)

Wade: you're mean

Wade: do you happen to have a picture

Thanos: *sends the picture*

Wade: she's a fucking skeleton

Wade left

Thanos: no one calls my lady a skeleton

Y/n: didn't she reject you?

Thanos: don't remind me man

Thanos left the chatroom crying

Y/n: lmao who knew thanos was a hopeless romantic

Everyone left
Chatroom ended

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