trip, trip, trip, pt.2

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Y/n started a chatroom
Y/n invited steve and nat
Steve and nat joined

Steve: what is it y/n

Nat: what happened

Y/n: save me!!!! I thought tony would take us to an amusement park or something

Steve: and where did he take you?

Y/n: camping in the woods in the middle of nowhere

Steve: that wasn't Tony's idea

Y/n: then who's was it

Nat: Clint's

Y/n: and you two knew? All along?

Nat: pretty much

Steve: but it'll be good for you.. you'll be in touch with nature


Nat: ugh what's wrong

Y/n: everything is wrong

Steve: care to explain?

Y/n: so Clint has been on a tree since we got here he pretty much lives there now, wanda and vision are off to their romantic journey and Pietro is following them so that he could get blackmail videos,thor left bc this place has no poptarts I told him to take me with him but he said I have to look over loki who's just sitting in a corner like an emo child, peter is with Tony idk where they went, Bucky saw a cliff and is now having a panic attack and Sam keeps reminding him of the cliff so bucky do I say this..threw sam in a tree (I think he might have gotten hurt) and tied him there with a rope which he found from God knows where and I'm all alone.

Nat: what lmaoooooooooo sucks to be you

Steve: aren't you supposed to be "looking after loki"?

Y/n: yes but I'm not you have a problem?

Y/n: guys help me I'm miserable

Steve: y/n go and get in touch with nature

Y/n: but-

Steve- no buts

Timeskip 27 mins

Clint started a chatroom
Clint invited everyone
Tony,wanda, vision, Bucky,sam,peter,thor,nat, steve and Pietro joined

Clint: y/n and loki are missing

Nat: what

Clint: I said y/n and loki are missing

Nat: ik what you said Clint

Steve: how can you be so calm


Thor: capslok captain

Peter: I don't think this is the right time mr thor

Bucky: I thought tony was looking after her

Steve: I shouldn't have let her go in the first place

Nat: my precious y/n

Thor: what about my brother?

Nat: yea sure him too

Tony: thor where are you?

Thor: I came to visit korg a good friend of mine

Thor : let me add him

Thor invited korg

Korg joined

Korg: Hey, hey, hey. Hey. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Korg. I'm kind of like the leader in here. I'm made of rocks, as you can see. But don't let that intimidate you. You don't need to be afraid unless you're made of scissors. Just a little rock-paper-scissor joke for you.

Tony: kord or whatever... we're in a chatroom we can't see you

Steve: can we focus on how y/n and loki are missing!?

Sam: yeayea

Pietro: I searched everywhere can't find her

Vision: what about loki?

Pietro: wasn't really searching for him

Wanda: and that's pietro for you

Y/n and loki joined

Y/n: hey guys

Steve: y/n where are you

Loki: we went to watch a movie

Clint: in the woods?

Everyone but Clint: ......

Y/n: not in the woods dumbass

Tony: but how did you yk?

Y/n: loki can teleport remember?

Nat: so we were worried about nothing great

Y/n: lol sorry

Korg: y/n!!!!!!!

Y/n: korg!!!!!!!

Tony: how do you know him?

Y/n: we helped thor kill his sister

Steve: ....

Pietro: tell me everything

Wanda: no

Everyone left

Chatroom ended

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