First Encounter

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Skyward Sword

              "Come on, boy!" you whispered to your loftwing as the both of you made elegant dives, dips, and rolls through the stainless clouds. You passed through a few more clouds before your home, Skyloft came into view. Gently laying back onto the soft, downy (c) feathers, you began to hum as your bird decreased the large wings to gentle pats of the wind. Towards the west the sun dripped down to the horizon like a golden tear, and leaving behind trails of pink, orange, and purple in its wake. Suddenly a flash of red flew past you startling your bird and sending you plummeting. A high pitched scream erupted from your mouth, but was quickly cut short. Your flailing body was gently being held by two strong arms sending a small blush to your face.

              "I am so sorry. Are you alright?" A silky yet gruff voice came from above you. You looked up to see a beautiful face adorned with deep blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a green hat. The Hero of the Goddesses had just saved you!

              "I am a little shaken up, but fine." You breathed out. "Thank you, Link." He nodded and smiled sweetly before setting you back onto your own loftwing.

Ocarina of Time

              "Thank you, sir." You told the middle aged man behind the counter whilst handing the necessary rupees over to him.

              "You are very welcome, miss. Come back any time." He offered a polite smile and handed you your filled basket of goods. Grasping the basket in with one hand you waved, and went off on your way. The stand where you bought the produce wasn't too far from the entrance of the market. If you hurried hopefully you wouldn't have to walk to your house in the dark. As you passed an alley a large hand covered your mouth pulling you into the darkness. Instinctively, you bit down as hard as you could on the object pressed against your mouth.

              "Ouch! Hey!" A male voice resounded from behind you. You turned around quickly ready to start throwing punches when you noticed a man no older than 19 examining his bitten hand. Most of his face was covered by a dark brown cloak, but you could peek at some strands of golden blonde hair fallen in front of his face. "I understand your point in biting, but you didn't have to do it so hard. I'm not going to hurt you." He spoke finally.

              "How was I supposed to know?" You replied snappily while glaring at the stranger before you.

              "I apologize, but I am in need of some assistance. My name's Link" he introduced.

Twilight Princess

              You attempted to sit up, but even the slightest movement caught you in a net of pain. Your head throbbed as if a million goats had kicked it then ran over you afterwards. Still you attempted to lift your body off of the soft mattress, but you were quickly pushed back down.

              "RUSL! SHE'S AWAKE!" A woman's shrill voice echoed from above you sending you back into the flashing pain. "Sorry, hun. Just um just try to stay still, alright?" Your (e/c) eyes blinked open murkily to get a better sense of what was occurring around you. The room was dark, only a crack in the curtain allowed small amounts of light in, with only scarce necessities such as bed, dresser, and chair.  A women was kneeling in front of you wearing a concerned look of pity on her ageing features. "Here you go. Drink up, you look like you need it." She handed you a small cup filled with fresh, cold water. You grabbed it quickly, and gulped it down as fast as you could. Barely noticing the two sets of footsteps approaching the room you were in, you finished the ecstasy of the refreshing drink. The door opened to reveal an ageing man, presumably Rusl, and a dirty blonde teen.

Hyrule Warriors

               Your skin burned and boiled endlessly whilst the weight of the rocks above slowly crushed your weak, frail body. The sparks of fire could be heard from all directions as the babblings of the retched monsters echoed in your head.

              "What should we do with this one?"

              "Burn it." The monsters said before they set your small home on fire along with the rest of the forest. You remember moments before the monsters came to your area of the small forest village sounds of battle. Metallic clanks, mystical pages, and an odd battle yell that still rang in your ears. The rocks above suddenly gave way a little more, trapping you into a shrinking air pocket. Air was running out, the flames begun to lick your body, and the rocks above were crushing you.

              "HELP!" You used your final breath to call out to anyone that might be there. Nothing came. Minutes past and the fighting had died down, so did your breathing. Spots entered your vision as your eyes closed to small slits, blurred by smoke. Blinding light crashed upon your face. The rock above was removed with a soldier standing above, clad in green. 

YAY! I got the first part done. I hope you all enjoy this first encounter with that sexy son of a Hylian....ahem, sorry. ;) Anyway comment, vote, and enjoy. Link and LoZ belong to Nintendo.

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