Chapter 1

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~The photo above is how I imagine Hiraeth Everleigh to look like~

December 20th, five days before Christmas and I was current sitting on a bus, trying to find my way to a mall, to which was quite unsuccessful.
"Excuse me? Sorry. Do you know when we'll stop at the main mall?" I questioned a rather old looking lady.

"Oh of course, in two stops or so dear. I'm heading there too." The lady said softly with a small smile on her face, which could honestly make me melt, seeming as I always had a sort of soft spot for old people.

I sighed out in relief and nodded. "Thank you so much, Ma'am." I whispered with my own smile and for the next 20 minutes, we had finally made it to the mall.

"Thank you." Both me and the old lady said to the bus driver, making him tip his hat to us. I helped the lady off the bus and walked into the mall with her, seeming as I had actually liked her company, and she liked mine, thankfully.

"So, dearie. Whats your name?" The lady asked me softly as we were now sitting at a small café in the mall, my heart started racing and I shifted in my seat, seeming as I've never been one to share my name with strangers.

"Hiraeth... Hiraeth Everleigh." I complied, smiling sweetly at the woman across from me and her mouth fell agape slightly. If it wasnt for the fact that i just told her my name, then she wouldn't have been looking at me the way she was.

The grey haired woman looked into my eyes as her lips parted before she shook her head slightly. "Sorry for staring, but that's a beautiful name." She said with a smile and I chuckled, nodding my head in agreeance.

"It's my older sisters middle name as well." I said softly. Dezia Hiraeth Everleigh, my older sister who.. was one of the most bitchyist bitches ever. Dont get me wrong, I absolutely love her, but she can be a real bitch sometimes.

Dezia was a well known person around California, seeming as she was the CEO of a one of the biggest fashion company's in the world. To say that she was one of the richest woman in the world would be an understatement, but besides all that, I loved her for her dumb, stupid, bitchy self.

"That's lovely. Mines Judith." The lady whos name I just found out said and I smiled.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Judith." I said softly and she exchanged the oh so nice greeting that I absolutely hated, because I wasnt a very social person.

Some time went past and I was now sitting on the sofa of my house, well, Dezias house, seeming as I stayed with her after our mother and father passed away, for reasons that I can't even remember, as I was too young.

"Hira! Where the fuck is my Tequila?!" Dezia called from the kitchen and I rolled my eyes, standing up and making my way to her.

"Here, you dumbass." I smiled sarcastically at her as I opened the winery, the fresh bottle of Tequila sitting right on it's stand, as per usual.

Dezia rolled her eyes and picked the bottle up, setting it on the counter before she took a crystal cut glass from its shelves, setting that on the counter too.

"I'm taking it, work was shit today.." I assumed, looking at her as she poured her "stress" drink and she looked at me with the "Most definitely" look, which I knew all too well.

"Therapist session today?"

"Please." Dezia muttered, taking a large swig of her liquids, eliciting a long sigh to escape past her lips and I chuckled, taking her free hand and dragging her to the living room.

"Alright, spill." I murmured as I sat down, her glass on the coffee table and her head in my lap as I ran my fingers through her hair.

After an hour or so of spilling secrets about her colleagues and other work stuff, she fell asleep in my lap, which only caused me to smile as she looked so peaceful and not too long after, I was asleep as well.

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