Hell I was in my zone cruisin' down the I.

Geo Lowes

We were all chillin', smokin', and whatever. Mel's bitch ass wasn't here. It's funny how her own man don't want to be around her like that. He not even sure if he want to be in a relationship with her anymore, at least that's what Apples had told me a couple of days ago.

"Mel is just too extra at times." Brit said. She was one of the main people saying stuff about Mel. Then everyone else joined in.

"She is. Like sometimes she just needs to stop. That shit become annoying as fuck, for real." Dre ugly ass said.

"I agree. I love her, but sometimes I wonder if our relationship is really worth it." Ty said. I ain't said shit. I just listened to this shit.

"Same here. Like when we try to talk to her she always making fun of us, especially when shit be going wrong with us. She act like her shit don't stink." My baby, Quinta, said.

Boy they just selling her ass out decent.

"I remember on time when Brit and I was broken up Mel extra ass shot my girlfriend at the time in the arm. She didn't have to do that. But you can't tell Mel ass nothing." Mike said.

"It's like she knows more than you." Ty butted in. I know Mel might be a bitch, but damn I know we trying to fuck up their relationships, but damn they in her face everyday and feel this way and ain't said shit.

They ain't loyal.

Damien Gilliam

I watched as Mel walked around the room. Her dad, Shawn was having a little get together and invited me. I've always had a thing for Mel, but I never stepped to her because I was close friends with her pops. But we have always been close. I never did like being friend zoned when it came to her, but I respected her relationship with Ty. At first I wanted to kill him because of what he did to her a few years back. When I found out I went ballistic. Plus her dad had already got to him before I could and I was overseas at the time.

"You look like a stalker." Chey sand, scaring me.

"I'm not a stalker." I denied. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Sureeeee. Why not just talk to her?" She asked. I shrugged.

"She's busy." I said. Well she was. She was giving the kids food.

"MEL!" Chey loud ass yelled. I face palmed myself. Mel looked in our direction. Chey pointed at me.

"Chey!" I hissed. She feigned innocent. How P deal with her ass is beyond me. Mel came over to where we were sitting.

"Wassup Aunt? Hey best friend." Mel said hugging me. She smelled good as fuck. I never wanted to let her go.

"Wassup?" I asked. She shrugged and took a seat next to me. Chey somehow left, during our hug.

"Not much. Same ole shit just a different day." She said. I chuckled.

"Same ole Mel." I said. She laughed.

"Always. So you back for good?" She asked.

"Yeah. The night you came over I had just got back." I said. I went to the Army at 18, served six years and moved up in my rank. A year ago I started my own business.

"Aww I get to see my best friend more." She gushed, pinching my cheek. I smacked her hand away.

"Melanie." I groaned. She giggled. I loved hearing her laugh or just seeing her smile. Let's not forget about her kids, I love those munchkins something serious. Sometimes I wish those were our kids and Mel was mine.


Mel car and Outfit in MM.

Damn everyone was talking shit about Mel.

Why they talking shit about Mel now?

Do you think Mel gone find out?

Now you all know who unknown is from Chapter 10 and who the female was that showed up to his place.

Damien back even though he a new character lol.

Damien still feeling Mel after all these years.

Do I see competition between Ty and Damien? NO COMMENT FOR ME!

Do I sense a relationship with Mel and Damien...

* Mel will forever be mean, so you all know. There is no changing her character.

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