|7.5| The Wedding

Start from the beginning

They reached the kitchen and found two people there. 

"Tonks!" said Grace rushing toward them. "Remus!"

"Watcher," said Tonks as she moved to hug Grace. She had turned blonde for the occasion. "You both look lovely, Grace, Hermione."

"Thanks." said the two girl smiling. 

"Sorry about last night," said Tonks. "The Ministry's being very anti-werewolf at the museum and we thought our presence might not do you and Harry any favors."

"It's fine, I understand," said Grace, speaking more to Remus than Tonks.

Remus gave her a swift smile.

"We should head toward the tent," said Remus. 

"Yeah, okay," said Grace.

As Tonks and Remus left the house Grace saw Remus's face fall again into lines of misery. She did not understand it.

"Lupin doesn't look good, does he?" said Hermione. 

"Yeah," Grace frowned. "I wonder why."

The two walked out the front door and toward the tent's entrance where Ron and Harry (disguised as Barny Weasley) were standing.

Harry's eyes widened when he saw Grace, and a blush appeared on her cheeks. 

"You look amazing!" said both Harry and Ron. But Ron had intended to Hermione while Harry said to Grace.

"Thanks, Harry," said Grace.

"Always the tone of surprise," said Hermione looking at Ron, though she smiled. "Your Great-Aunt Muriel doesn't agree, I just met her upstairs while she was giving Fleur the tiara. She said, 'Oh dear, is this the Muggle-born?' and then, 'Bad posture and skinny ankles.'"

"Don't take it personally, she's rude to everyone," said Ron.

"Talking about Muriel?" inquired George, reemerging from the marquee with Fred. "Yeah, she's just told me my ears are lopsided. Old bat."

"I wish old Uncle Bilius was still with us," said Grace. "though; he was a right laugh at weddings."

"Wasn't he the one who saw a Grim and died twenty-four hours later?" asked Hermione.

"Well, yeah, he went a bit odd toward the end," conceded George.

"But before he went loopy he was the life and soul of the party," said Grace. 

"He used to down an entire bottle of firewhisky," said Fred, "then run onto the dance floor, hoist up his robes, and start pulling bunches of flowers out of his –"

"Yes, he sounds a real charmer," said Hermione, while Harry roared with laughter.

"Never married, for some reason," said Ron.

"You amaze me," said Hermione.

They were all laughing so much that none of them noticed the two latecomers.


Turning her eyes she saw Noah Anderson, her ex-boyfriend whom she dated in her fourth year, looking as handsome as ever.

"Noah!" exclaimed Grace. "Sweet Morgana, how long has it been since we last saw each other?"

"Whole two years," he said. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Thanks," she grinned and didn't notice the dark scowl on Harry's face. "It's lovely to see you."

"You too," he said. "Fleur told me you were Bill's sister, and that she was planning to make you her bridesmaid."

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