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It felt like several hours had elapsed in Cassiopeia's mind. She continually sat there in front of the television, the contrasting colored lights flashing across her pale face. Her grandmother was overjoyed however, that Cassiopeia was finally sitting with her. The girl was far from able to form a coherent sentence. Every time her grandmother spoke to her, Cassiopeia would hum in response, the words unable to escape her sealed mouth.

A knock at the front door had briefly interrupted her thoughts, and as her grandmother went to answer it, she stared blankly ahead.

"Oh honey," She chimed, draping her arms over the girl's tense shoulders, "Your friend is here to see you."

Cassiopeia slowly twisted her head to the left, only to be met with a kaleidoscope of blue eyeing her up.

She opened her mouth to speak but he gestured towards the stairs, "C'mon," He spoke hoarsely, his hands buried deep in his pockets.

Cassiopeia hesitantly stood up and brushed her way past the towering boy towards the stairs. She crept up them, her clammy hand gliding across the wooden railing.

He didn't keep any distance behind her, his lurking shadow hovering right over her small frame.

When she reached the top of the steps, she looked down at the entrance of the foyer, her grandmother nowhere in sight. Her eyes darted towards his and she opened her mouth once more to speak, a million words wanting to spill out all at once.

He interrupted her before she had the chance, "No questions," He spoke firmly, "Just know I am not the enemy here."

Not evil, just misunderstood.

"You have something on me just like I have on you. We are entitled to each other."

She raised a steady eyebrow, "What do you have on me Rafe?"

He gave her a stern look, the light bulb instantly going off in her scattered brain.

"Right," She breathed out, running a hand through her hair.

He took her wrist gently and guided them to her room, shutting the door tightly behind them.

She flopped down on her bed as his body immediately filled the empty space next to her.

"I need you to trust me," He ran his thumb delicately across her shaking hand.

She looked over at him, a puzzled expression smeared across her face, "Rafe."

"I said no questions."

"I need to know."

He shook his head, "Not now, not while its fresh, soon, I promise."

Before she could protest he cut her off, "My promises are legitimate."

"Right," Cassiopeia breathed out and turned away, "Because you're proactive."

"Exactly," Rafe smirked slightly, running his hand up her arm.

She rolled her eyes and gazed at his cut up hand, "So, why are you here?"

He brushed a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her honey stained eyes.

"Wanted to apologize, for leaving you last night."

"I didn't even notice you were gone."

"Did you care that I was?"

She cocked her head to the side, meeting his stare, "Why are you asking me a loaded question?"

"Because," He leaned forward, his eyes scanning hers, "A room feels emptier, colder, without you in it. Anyone with common sense would notice that something special was missing."

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