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For the next few days JJ didn't let Cassiopeia out of his sight. He'd come extra early in the mornings on days that she worked, even when he wasn't working. He made sure to stick around another hour after work so he could take her home. When Heyward shooed him away after his shift was over, he'd hang around outside until she was finished. JJ checked her head each time he placed the helmet on her. He'd come over late at night through the window and lay next to her as she read. His presence was overwhelming but he managed to distract her from her lingering thoughts of Rafe.

Operation "Expose Rafe" was put on hold since he hadn't shown up to the Cameron residence in days. Cassiopeia was first worried then grew bitter. John B was right, he was unpredictable and it was only a matter of time before he exploded on her. Throwing her into the water was just a prelude. JJ managed to stay to keep him off topic, realizing how bothered it made Cassiopeia. She didn't miss him, she wanted him to feel her pain. For all the times he yelled in her face, making her feel microscopic every chance he got. Or when he laid his hands on her and made sure that she knew she could never fight back against him. She often felt inferior in her own mind, so feeling that way physically made it a thousand times worse for her.

Sheriff Shoupe had put out a warning for the boy, registering that he was unstable and delusional.

"He needs help," Shoupe had told the Cameron's the day of the fight.

"You are trying to get a record on him, and I won't allow it," Ward Cameron, his father, stated firmly.

"He needs to be admitted for drug abuse."

"He's a kid Shoupe, you know that as well as I do."

"He was flaunting a weapon at other kids," Shoupe sighed, "Witnesses said he was out of his mind."

Ward sneered, "Those dirty Pogues? You are relying on them for information?"

"They were the only ones here," Shoupe explained.

"They are liars," Ward said through gritted teeth, "Do you know how much we have given to this town Shoupe? The legacy we have built?"

"My hands are tied here Ward, find your son then we'll talk," Shoupe spoke abrasively, brushing past Ward. He walked towards the group of Pogues and motioned for them to leave so he could speak with Cassiopeia alone.

"Ms. Rossi," He spoke apologetically, "I'm so sorry."

Cassiopeia stared at the flashing car lights in front of her, "Nothing to be sorry for."

"Did you want to press charges? We can get a warrant out for him."

"That's not going to stop him," She said flatly, "He does what he wants."

"It will give him more of a reason to give up."

"He never will."

Shoupe looked at her concerned, "What can I do for you?"

"Please just take me home."

Sometimes JJ would spend the night, holding her until her fingers went limp and her book toppled over on her chest. Sometimes she would wake up at night, her body covered in sweat and her breathing erratic. She'd awake thinking she was still in the water and how she was pulled out while her brother wasn't as fortunate. JJ would always respond quickly, he never tugged her back down, instead he would coax her into his chest and remind her that she was safe in his arms. It comforted her in a way she dreamed about for a long time. The feeling of being held by someone who considered you their entire world. It was a special feeling, one that slowly began to mend the gaping year-old holes in her chest. For once in a long time, she felt appreciated.

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