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"You want a drink?" Topper had the fridge open a jar as he looked over at Cassiopeia.

'It's going to be a long night.' She thought to herself, before nodding at him and catching the beer that he tossed to her.

She slid in the brown leather booth, Topper following right behind her.

She cracked open the can of beer and sipped hesitantly, her face scrunching up instantly in disgust.

"Not much of a beer drinker?" Topper chuckled at her.

She watched as Rafe stumbled into the booth next to her. Cassiopeia's eyes watched him intently as his tongue swiped over his bloody bottom lip. He reached up and wiped the remaining fluid away.

"She drinks whatever the Pogues drink," His letters slurred over each other.

Her face grew flush and she looked down at the table in front of her, her finger running absentmindedly over the rim of the can.

"Knock it off Rafe," Topper snapped.

The tall boy smirked, "I call scum when I see it," He spoke directly at her, before suddenly jumping up and making his way towards the fridge for another drink. Cassiopeia watched as Kelce tried to move Rafe from the fridge, but the boy protested angrily, shoving him roughly into the counter.

Cassiopeia shifted in her seat before making an abrupt move to leave.

"Cassiopeia, he's drunk," Topper spoke softly, his hand gliding over hers, "He doesn't truly mean it."

She pulled her hand from underneath Topper's and shook her head, "This was a mistake."

She made her way towards the door, her eyes shot towards Rafe, who was incoherently mumbling on the kitchen floor.

She stepped out into the night, within the hour the temperature had drastically dropped and she wished JJ's coat was still wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hey," Topper closed the door behind him, "Don't go."

"There is no point in helping him," Cassiopeia protested, "It's not my job."

"There's more to it than you think," Topper pointed out and brushed past her, leaning over the balcony railing.

She scoffed, "I think I have seen the full package already."

Topper stared out into the night, "He's been messed up ever since he found those chickens."

"You sure he didn't kill them himself?"

Topper spun around to face her and swayed on his feet, "He described them to me days afterward."

She stayed quiet, her eyes fleeting from the boy in front of her to the one inside.

"He went into detail how the heads were ripped, their intestines lay sprawling out, and the smell." Topper inhaled heavily, "Rafe could smell it on his clothes days later."

Her eyes flickered with some type of remorse, "Why was he even there?"

Topper shrugged, "How should I know? Ever since you met him that night on the beach he's become more erratic."

"So, you're saying it's my fault?" Cassiopeia furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm saying you have some type of influence on him," Topper spoke with a hint of irritation in his voice, "It's not normal."

Cassiopeia laughed sarcastically, "I haven't fucking done anything to him, he just keeps showing up in places where I happen to be at."

Topper sighed in frustration, "He's screwed up right now."

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