Everyone else walked into the forest too as we looked at the guards, guarding the front of the tunnel.

"Look at all those guards." Atsushi-kun whispered as we stared at the people.

"They all have wireless communicators." Dazai-san said.

"Which means if we fight, the enemy headquarters will know instantly." I finished as Dazai-san nodded.

I pointed to the sensor I spotted.

"The sensor at the entrance..." I said.

"It's a countermeasure against Tanizaki's illusion ability." I stated as Dazai-san nodded again.

"Their vital signs are being sent to headquarters every minute." Dazai-san said as I looked at the men.

I sighed. "They'll know something is wrong if the guards so much as become excited or nervous." I said.

"Weretiger," Akutagawa said, stepping forward.

"Bear in mind two things." Akutagawa said as Atsushi-kun looked at him.

"Fall behind, and I'll leave you behind. Get in my way, and I'll kill you. Understand?" Akutagawa said as I sighed again.

Atsushi-kun exclaimed in shock.

"Why doesn't this apply to y/n-chan?" Atsushi-kun asked as Akutagawa's Rashoumon appeared.

I watched as Akutagawa used Rashoumon to hurtle himself over the tunnel, too high for the men to see.

"Because," I said as I let my wings come free.

I unfurled them, turning to Atsushi-kun. 

"He knows I won't fall behind and get in his way." I said as I flew up, fast and swiftly.

I dropped down from above, landing next to Akutagawa.

Akutagawa used Rashoumon to cut a large hole in the roof of the tunnel

Akutagawa dropped into the tunnel, as I gently flew down too.

A few seconds later, I turned back to see Atsushi-kun coming towards us, very quickly.

I watched as he skidded to a halt.

I hummed. "You were quick enough to slide past the sensors and guards." I stared as Atsushi-kun brushed himself off.

Akutagawa scoffed, walking first as I rolled my eyes.

"Wait." Atsushi-kun said as we followed.

"Dazai-san told us to stick together." Atsushi-kun reminded as Akutagawa kept walking ahead.

"This is my first opportunity in four years to prove my superiority to Dazai-san." Akutagawa muttered to himself as I internally sighed.

"I'd in fact prefer that you'd be taken down early." Akutagawa said as he paused.

Atsushi-kun paused too just as I saw Rashoumon hurtle towards Atsushi-kun.

However, spending time with them, I was ready.

I stood in front of Atsushi-kun, blocking Rashoumon's path as Rashoumon veered away, smashing into the ground next to me.

I saw Akutagawa grit his teeth.

Atsushi-kun however pushed me aside and held a defensive stance.

"If you want to fight, I'm on." Atsushi-kun said as Akutagawa narrowed his eyes at him.

"I ought to cut you down and report to Dazai-san that the weretiger had been held down and disappeared." Akutagawa coldly said.

I stepped in between them, wings flaring.

DeathAngel [Akutagawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now