Exploring the Creepy Forrest

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3rd Person POV

It was still a cold night even though winter was long gone. The four students leg by the grotty Mr Filch made their way to Hagrid's hut. Filch's rough and disgusting voice filled the cold air as the students cautiously made their way down from the castle, fearing what was ahead of them. "A pity they let the old punishments die." Filch said in disappointment. "There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming." (Y/N) could visibly see Draco shrink in fear, Hermione tremble and Harry shudder. To be honest (Y/N) was quite scared himself, he just tried not to show it, he was a Gryffindor after all. (Y/N) hated the punishment system within the magical world, especially Hogwarts. A school was meant to be a safe environment and yet here they were, about to be sent off into a dangerous forest with limited supervision. There was something he just didn't understand about how the wizarding world operated. More accurately, how they failed to see things, unlike the muggle world. Perhaps it was his mother's natural curiosity in him. 

As the students edged nearer to the gamekeeper's residence, the tension grew with each muffled footstep. (Y/N) gulped nervously, he certainly wasn't looking forward to tonight's activities. Eventually, they reached Hagrid's house and Filch knocked on his door. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest." Hagrid then stepped out from his hut, looking like an emotional wreck. he wasn't taking Norbert's recent departure too well (Y/N) thought. Hagrid had a crossbow in one hand and Fang on leash in the other, this wasn't a good sign (Y/N) thought. He was expecting something dangerous, possibly even fatal and yet the school and the sense to send children nonetheless into such an area. (Y/N) shook his head in disappointment. "Oh, good God, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Filch exclaimed. (Y/N) quickly turned his attention to Draco's reaction, it was priceless. (Y/N) had to bight his tongue really hard to stop him from laughing to death. The greasy blonde was right and he got detention for it. Maybe this wasn't too bad? 

"Norbert's gone." Hagrid said his shoulders sagging. "Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony." "Well, that's good, isn't it?" (Y/N) was shocked to see Hermione speaking, a few seconds she was as pale as a ghost, (Y/N) then relaxed a little, she was a Gryffindor after all. "He'll be with his own kind." "Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania?" Hagrid rambled.  "What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby, after all." "Oh, for Gods sake, pull yourself together, man." Filch said with no empathy for a grieving man, clearly he didn't have a heart (Y/N) thought. "You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." "The forest?" Draco cried, he was shaking in boots, (Y/N) almost felt a bit of sympathy, but then again he wasn't in Gryffindor after all. "I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there ar-" a chilling howl cut of a rambling Draco as the four students nervously huddled around the large game-keeper for safety. "W-werewolves."Harry said, filled with fear. "There's more than werewolves in those trees, lad." Filch said laughing to himself, clearly, he was a kick out of this. "You can be sure of that. Nighty-night." Filch flashed a creepy smile as he happily made his way back to the castle. "Right." Hagrid said with determination as he wiped the threatening tears from his face. "Let's go." And with that, the four students carefully made their way into the forest, wands at the ready.

The small group walks along a path to a tree. Hagrid stops, bends down and dips his fingers in a silver puddle. He pulls out his fingers and rubs them together. A silver trail smears with his fingers. "Hagrid, what's that?" Harry asked. "What we're here for. See that?" Hagrid stated, holding his smeared finger to the four students who looked at them with keen interest. "That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured badly by something.  So, it's our job to find the poor beast. (Y/N), Hermione, you'll come with me." "Okay." (Y/N) mumbled as Hermione nodded with compliance. "And Harry, you'll go with Malfoy." Hagrid said, Draco groaned in response while Harry simply nodded. Draco quickly took Fang's leash from Hagrid. "Okay. Then I get Fang!" he exclaimed. "Fine." Hagrid said with a chuckle.  "Just so you know, he's a bloody coward." Fang whimpered and Draco once more sighed in disbelief. 

The group parted their ways, Hermione and (Y/N) were cautiously behind Hagrid as they went deeper into the forest. (Y/N) felt Hermione hold onto his robes, she was shaking with fear, the last thing she wanted to do was to get lost. (Y/N) took a deep breath and slowly put his hand on Hermione's. As he did so, he could hear a little squeak. Hermione thanked Merlin that (Y/N) wasn't looking at her, her face was beet red. (Y/N) felt her hand, it was freezing cold, he rubbed his hand against her's, warming it for her, providing some form of comfort in an utterly scary place. (Y/N) could slowly feel Hermione's shaking stop, she was slowly getting calmer. After all, what 12 year old wouldn't be scared in a dark, cold and dangerous forest. To be honest, (Y/N) was quite impressed with Hermione's braveness, sure she was scared, but it didn't stop her from taking another step, she wouldn't let fear stop her. She was a Gryffindor after all. 

Hagrid had taken the chance to show (Y/N) and Hermione some creatures of the forest. It seemed to calm Hermione a bit, (Y/N) almost laughed at her reaction when she complained that she didn't have any parchment or a quill, to take down what Hagrid was saying. Hagrid's interesting little lesson was interrupted as a fearful scream pierced the otherwise eerie forest. "AHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHH!" There were only two other people roaming the forest, and it definitely didn't sound like Harry (Y/N) thought. "What hav' they don' now." Hagrid mumbled who looked a bit upset as his attention was dragged away from his improv lesson, he began to move in the direction of the howling scream. Hermione and (Y/N) soon followed behind Hagrid, wands drawn, they weren't going to take any chances, they hoped that Harry was ok. Hagrid began to speed up frantically, Harry and Draco weren't in sight. (Y/N) stated with Hermione, she was huffing and puffing, she wasn't exactly a runner. She stumbled a few times, (Y/N) was there to catch her, they almost lost sight of Hagrid at one point, luckily Hagrid was quite large to see. Eventually, Hagrid, Hermione and (Y/N) could hear a barking Fang, they were close. They sped up, their eyes searching the misty forest for the Boy who lived. Suddenly, Draco rushed out of nowhere, whimpering. He was speechless, he merely pointed in a direction, without any hesitation Hagrid followed by Hermione and (Y/N) ran. Draco stumbled behind them, quivering. 

They found Harry, he was on the floor, but otherwise ok. There was a centaur, looking over him. (Y/N) had never seen one before, they are usually in groups. It was strange to see one alone. "Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. Harry's attention turned from the magical creature to the group behind him, he smiled knowing he was safe. "Hello there, Firenze." Hagrid said with a friendly wave. "I see you've met our young Mr Potter. You all right there, Harry?" Harry nodded in response, he was perfect, if anything he was curious about what creature Firenze was talking about. "Harry Potter, this is where I leave you." The centaur said sternly. "You're safe now. Good luck." He galloped away, leaving Hagrid and the four students alone as they continued their detention, eagerly awaiting to return to the comforts of their warm beds.

Harry, (Y/N), and Hermione had made their way back to the Gryffindor common room, Ron was waiting for them on the couch, surprisingly not asleep. They were huddled around the fire, gathering its warmth. Harry had explained his likely encounter with Voldemort in the forest. 

"You mean, You-Know-Who's out there, right now, in the forest?" Hermione queried, fear in her tone. "But he's weak. He's living off the unicorns. Don't you see? We had it wrong. Snape doesn't want the stone for himself, he wants the stone for Voldemort." Harry exclaimed, the room filled with sequels at the mention of the dark wizard's name. "With the Elixir of Life, Voldemort will be strong again. He'll, he'll come back." The room was dead silent.  "But if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to kill you, do you?" (Y/N) asked, Hermione looked shocked at (Y/N), asking such a fearful question. "I think if he'd had the chance, he might have tried to kill me tonight." Harry replied. "And to think, I've been worrying about my Potions final!" Ron said as pale as a ghost. "Hang on a minute." Hermione said her eyes twinkling with a theory. "We're forgetting one thing. Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared?" The boys sat dumbfounded at Hermione, she huffed in response. "Dumbledore! As long as Dumbledore's around, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched." Harry smiled in response. 

The magical quartet soon made their way to their respective beds, their minds burdened with the slight possibility of Voldemorts return.


Hey guys, I have noticed a huge spike in views and votes. I would just like to say thanks, I aim to finish this book before Christmas. Hopefully before Halloween. I then can start the sequel before the end of this year. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

- Sam.F

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