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excuse any mistakes, enjoy💙!!

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"Granny can you stop being embarrassing it's my senior year I know these things" I said mentally smacking my self in the face by the way my granny is acting right now with this big ass checklist if my items she insisted on printing out.

"Oh hush up you know it's hard seeing my baby all grown up" she said the pop-pop came in the room with my last box.

"Our baby and this the last box princess, which one is your room" pop-pop asked setting the box down in the living room which was an upgrade from my last room.

"The one by the kitchen it has its own attached bathroom so ion have to worry about sharing a bathroom anymore because you know the people last time couldn't keep things clean" I said shaking my head

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"The one by the kitchen it has its own attached bathroom so ion have to worry about sharing a bathroom anymore because you know the people last time couldn't keep things clean" I said shaking my head.

I shared an apartment type dorm last year with two other females and we all had to share a bathroom and I swear they were the two direst girls I ever met studying to become nurses, like how you expect to keep others clean and sterile when you can't even pick up after yourself.

"Trifling, but let's move these boxes in your room so we can help you unpack and set up then we'll be on our way out" granny said causing me to nod.

"Yes ma'am, see I'm glad I ain't get my nails done because I'm not tryna break my nails dealing with these boxes" I said picking up one of the few boxes that I have packed with mostly clothes, shoes, hygiene items, and my bed items.

I'll go food shopping later today and get my mini fridge and stuff as well because one thing bout me is imma eat.

"You and them nails, but I'll send you money in your spending money account" pop-pop said smiling.

"I can pay for them pop-pop" I said walking to my room then he reached and opened the door for granny and I.

"Unt unt I don't wanna hear that until you find you a good man and not a lil boy I'll be paying for your nails until then along with Majesty" he said causing me to roll my eyes at his lil comment.

He's referring to my ex Alex we were dating for 2 years and I thought we were gonna be together forever and I thought I could trust him while he pursued his dream for culinary in Miami while I stayed in Texas for school but I was wrong.

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