Chapter 5.

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"Holy crap Book!" You say as you, Joey, and Mouth run over a crouch down beside Book. Joey takes off his jacket and tries to cover up Book with it while you and Mouth block the way of people trying to stare at him. Even though your pretty sure the whole school had already seen him.

You and Mouth look at each other as the principle settles everyone down and sends them back to there classes.

After the principle calls Hayes's dad and school ends you all walk to Mouth's house. Y'all didn't say much, well except of Mouth blabbing on about how much of a dick Hayes is.

This was your first time at Mouth's house and for some reason his room was exactly how you imagined it. Y'all kinda just sat there and took turns playing video games.

"S-so what are we gonna do?" Book asks turning to face us. "About your dad or Hayes?" Joey asks. While you and the guys were walking to school Hayes started messing with y'all and out of no were Book's dad jumped out of a car a tackled Hayes to the ground.

"Forget my dad, Hayes," Book says. "I was thinking about that on the way home, all depends on how far your willing to take it," Mouth says sitting up. We all look at each other as Mouth tells us to stay here while he goes and gets something.

After a few minutes of silence Mouth opens the door. He walks back inside and we all stare at him waiting to see what he went to go get.

"Du dum!" He says as he pulls a gun out of his pocket. You freeze for a second then slowly get up and walk over to him. He smiles and shows you it. "Is that think loaded?" Joey asks.

Mouth dumps out all the bullets onto the floor except for one, puts the gun up to his head, and pulls the trigger. You jump a little at how reckless he was being.

"Nope, not anymore," he smirks. He hands it to Book but he doesn't take it. Joey takes it and looks at it for a second then hands it back. You walk a bit closer and run your finger down the side of it. Mouth smiles and stares at you.

He points the gun and Book and pretends to shoot him. Book smacks it away and sits down. Mouth rolls his eyes and walks over to the tv. You sigh and sit down looking back at your book until you here a gun shot.

The tv screen explodes and you take a minute to realize, Mouth had just shot his tv. "My tv," he says. "Your tv? Your tv! That could have been me!" Book yells. Mouth and Book start getting in a fight and Book runs away.

"Why do you have to be such a jerk!" Joey says following after Book. You cover your mouth with your hand as Mouth opens the door and stares at Joey for a second and then comes back inside.

You try to calm yourself down as Mouth sits down on the bed. "So, are you gonna go or not?" Mouth asks sighing. You look at the gun which he still had in his hand.

You don't answer and stare at the broken tv. Mouth jerks around, "well?!" He asks. You shake your head and keep staring at the tv.

He sighs and stands up. "I mean, he said he wanted to kill just early today did he not?" Mouth says. "I don't think he meant it literally," you say. He rolls his eyes and stares at you. You get up and take the gun away.

"I'm gonna need you to go put this back," you say holding it up. He sighs and snatches it back, slowly walking back to his moms room to put away.

He comes back a few minutes later and sits down. "So, do we just wait until y'all all start talking again or?" You ask sitting beside him. "I'm not sure, but I'm not apologizing, so don't even-" You cut him off, "I'm not! Don't worry," you say.

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