Chapter 10.

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"So should I like ask Mouth to the dance or" Hayley cute you off, "No! He has to ask you, but kinda give him a little push so he gets the hint you wanna go with him," she says.

You nod and look around, "so should we go try on dresses?" You ask. Her face lights up, "hell yeah!" She squeals. You laugh as the two of you run over to her house.

"Alright! So I have a few ideas of what you could wear," she says opening her closet door. She then pulls out a short, white, dress.

Your jaw drops at how pretty it was, it was unlike anything you have ever worn before. "That's beautiful!" You say walking over. "Right! And it's gonna look even better on you, I can feel it," she says.

You look at her, "well c'mon now! Go try it on," she says. You smile and quickly run to go change into it. It's been years since you've worn a dress so you were a bit surprised you liked it so much.

You take a deep breath and slowly open the bathroom door. "Y/n! You look amazing! Just wait until Mouth sees you in this!" She smiles.
You blush as you look at yourself in the mirror, "can't wait!" You smile back.


The next day you run up to Mouth and hug him. "Woah, someone's happy today, what is it?" He laughs. "Nothing, it's just I'm really excited for the dance," you say. He blushes a bit and it was like he was gonna try to say something but was holding back.

"Well I'm glad your excited!" Book sighs. "What's up Bookie?" Mouth asks. "That no one in this whole school is willing to go to the dance with me, I mean I know we're all going as friends but Joey wants to go with someone," Book says.

"Really! Who?" You ask. He goes a bit red and mumbles a bit. "It's ok, you don't have to tell," you say smiling. "I was thinking of going with someone to," you say.

"Yeah, me to," Mouth says. You blush a bit, "who did you want to go with?" Mouth asks. You freeze and look at Hayley. "It's a- a secret!" You say trying to come up with something.
He nods and y'all head to class.

You walk to lunch with Hayley but feel someone pull you back. It was Mouth, big surprise, "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks. "Yeah sure," you say. Hayley smirks and walks away.

The two of you walk around the school for a bit, "so, what did you wanna talk about?" You ask stopping. He sighs, "you know this morning when we were all saying we wanted to take someone to the dance," he says. You nod, slightly smiling.

"Well, y/n, would you go with me?" He asks looking at you. You feel yourself turn red, "Yes! I- I mean sure," you say. He laughs and hugs you. You hold onto him tight hopping you would stop blushing but it just made it worse.

Y'all walk back over to the table where you eat everyday and sit down. Hayley smirks and nudges you. You blush and look down.

After lunch you and Hayley head back to class. "So?" She smiles. "We're going to the dance together," you blush. She claps her hands and jumps a bit. "Also, so are me and Joey," she says. You pause, "wait what?"

She continues to walk to class as you stand there, you collect your thoughts and run after her laughing.

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