Chapter 69: Facing Xemnas Part 2/A Way Back Home

Start from the beginning

And in the center of it all is Xemnas, who is sitting on a throne on the dragon's head. Madison and Riku use the hovercrafts to make us reach him. Once we're close enough, we get off. The hovercrafts we used to get here then get sucked into a big black hole from behind us. Since we came too far to back out now, the four of us bring out our Keyblades, ready to fight Xemnas.

"I know this isn't the time for this, you guys, but..." I say, gaining Sora, Madison and Riku's attention. "I didn't get the chance to thank Namine. I mean, I know she was right there in front of me, but the words...just refused to come out, even though she did a lot for us."

"Don't worry, we'll make it happen," Riku reassures.

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, I'm sure," says Madison.

"Once this is over, you can thank her all you want," says Sora.

I smile at my friends. "Right!"

We then begin our fight with Xemnas once more, who is once again covered in armor. Like before, Xemnas used the weapons of the people we defeated from the Organization. He even tried to knock us off of the dragon's head, so that we would end up sucked into the black hole. Thinking fast, I quickly change forms, using my powers as the 8th princess, then fly all four of us back to where Xemnas is.

Once we reach him, the four of us combine all of our strength. It was almost as though we had rehearsed it, fighting in perfect sync with each other. By working together as a team, we were able to destroy Xemnas' armor once more. But he wasn't defeated just yet.

Instead, he had transported us into a new dimension. Aside from darkness, I feel nothing in this place, as though nothingness is the only thing that exists here. If nothing else, it actually makes me wonder if this is the realm for all Nobodies. Xemnas stands several feet away from us, wearing a white coat with unusual black designs on it, instead of the usual black coat he wears.

"You won't get away from me...heroes from the realm of light. I will not allow it to end this way--not yet. If light and darkness are eternal, then surely we nothings must be the same...Eternal!" Xemnas exclaims.

"You're right, light and darkness are eternal," Riku says.

Madison nods her head in agreement. "For all we know, nothing probably goes forever, too. But guess what, Xemnas?"

"That doesn't mean YOU'RE eternal!" Sora exclaims.

"Even if we're the ones who end up losing, someone else will definitely come along and defeat you. You're not immortal. Even a Nobody can't live for all eternity!" I exclaim.

All Xemnas does in response is chuckle. "No more eternal than that radiance of yours...Anger and hate are supreme."

Xemnas then makes the move to attack us. He grabs me and then tosses me in the air, which causes Madison and the boys to jump up in the air and help me. While clashing swords in the air against Xemnas, we try avoiding bursts of light, like barbed wire, that Xemnas has chasing after us. After realizing that it wouldn't work, Xemnas kicks Sora's Keyblade out of his hand, then makes the move to strike him.

Thinking fast, Madison quickly grabs Sora's Keyblade and tosses it back to him. Sora then blocks one of the red energy swords from Xemnas' hand. I make the move to attack, but Xemnas easily blocks it by making another energy sword appear from his other hand. Since Xemnas only has two arms to use, Riku tries to attack him. Xemnas takes notice and easily moves me and Sora out of the way, then kicks Riku in the stomach.

He then fires red lasers at us, which we manage to block. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he summons a duplicate of himself, making the situation worse. The real Xemnas uses his power on me and Sora, trapping us. Madison and Riku try to help, but Xemnas kicks them out of the way, creating some distance.

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