3- What did we do?

Start from the beginning

"Of course. Chris, can I have the keys, please."

Chris handed her his truck keys, mouth still wide open with a slight smirk on his face. Everyone knew how I felt about Brooke and tried getting me to ask her out for months after my breakup from Vanessa. I just couldn't work up the courage to do it because I knew the answer was going to be no anyways, so I didn't even try.

Brooke rubbed the top of Ben's head as she walked out the door with Emily, without a single goodbye to Chris or I.

"Ben, go to the bathroom." Chris demanded.

"But Dad, I went before we left home."

"I know, go again."

Ben groaned as he walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"You dog!" Chris teased, nudging my shoulder. "I was seriously hoping you two would finally hook up seeing you dancing and talking last night but I didn't actually think you would pull it off."

Ben came out of the bathroom, Chris turned towards him. "Did you wash your hands?"


"Wash them again."

Ben went back into the bathroom, huffing.

"I can just turn the T.V. on for the kid and we can talk in the kitchen."

"He probably didn't really wash them."

I turned the t.v. to cartoons, handing Ben the remote when he came out of the bathroom and headed into the kitchen with Chris.

"Spill." Chris leaned in, smiling ear to ear.

I started my pot of coffee.

"Fucking hell, she's never going to talk to me again." I sat down, running my hands over my face again. "The shittiest part of this, I can't even remember much of it. I have bits and pieces but that's it."

"She'll talk to you again. Just give it time, I for one am super excited for you."

I glared at him before getting up, pouring us both a cup of coffee.

I sat back down, shaking my head at myself.

"What's the last few things you can actually remember?"

"Kissing her at the bar. Then we shared an Uber... oh my God that poor Uber driver."

"I'm sure he's seen worse."

"Then it's just spotty memories, kissing her, us in bed and well you know."

"Yeah I do!" He squealed like a little high school girl, while hitting the table repeatedly.

"Are you about done?"

"Sorry, let the whole awkwardness wear off and then talk to her."

"I actually thought I was dreaming up the whole entire thing."

There was a knock, before Emily walked in and sat down next to us.

"Is she okay?" I questioned.

"I think so, she didn't want to talk about it so I didn't push her. We're having lunch this coming Friday though, I'll see how she's doing then."

Brooke's P.O.V.

I walked through the front doors of my apartment. I was sore which proved to me that Reed and I had a good time last night.

"You're just getting home?"

I jumped as Vanessa came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, umm, I stayed at Corey's last night." I hate lying to people and was absolutely terrible at it.

"Did you have fun?"

"I did and I drank way, way too much."

She started laughing as she walked closer. "I'm glad you had fun. I have to go to work... wait?"

She leaned in again, trying to smell me but I pushed her away.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You smell like a man!"

"What?" I shrieked.

Oh my god she knows what Reed smells like.

"Did you hook up with someone last night?"

"Don't be ridiculous, I smell like a bar and sweat."

"Yeah, from the sex!" She teased.


She gave me a look, raising an eyebrow at me.

I let out a breath, "Okay, fine, I stayed with someone last night. I don't know who it was so please just drop it."

"I'm so proud of you. Damn it, I have to go but I want to hear all about this later."

Yay. I thought to myself as she shut the door.

I went to my room and got new clothes. I needed a shower desperately.

After my shower, I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Picking up my dirty laundry I put it in the washing machine and started it up. I needed to get the smell of Reed off of me completely.

Grabbing some pain relievers for my headache, I sat down with a cup of coffee and thought about the night.

The few memories of Reed flashing through my mind, making me smile.

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