⁀➷。 I'm like God but hotter

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"I don't think its full on invincibility, I dont know about you but i still felt pain whenever they attacked, i just never took any damage." F/N said. I nodded and thought over the last few hours we have been here.

"Yeah, it was the same for me." I said. "Damn, feeling pain but taking no damage? Sounds like a masochist's dream if you ask me." I turned around, gazing ahead instead of lingering on Ethan and F/N's looks of disappointment.

"What? This is awesome! I'm like God but hotter!" I said. F/N rolled her eyes and cleared her throat.

"Now that we have those things out of the way, what next?" I asked. F/N approached me and looked around.

"We need to get to the other side of that big gate that was near where those people were." She explained. Ethan nodded in agreement as he came beside us.

"I have a feeling you know more than you let on." He said, looking at my friend. "Do you know how to get to the other side?" He asked. She nodded and tied her hair up from around her face.

"Yeah, if those things hadn't attacked us we would have done it by now." She huffed. "We gotta go back up there and it shouldnt take long to get to the other side." She motioned for us to follow her and we began walking back up through the field.

We reached the small house and opened the door. the woman was over with her old dying father rubbing his back. "Hang on papa..." She said.

"We must do something... quick." She didnt pay any attention to us and we climbed through the window after F/N. We hopped on a box and then over a stone wall before we saw the house.

"So this is the place?" I asked as I saw Ethan open the gate. He brought the two into the yard and shut the gate again. The man complained before quickly knocking on the door.

"Nobody's answering." He said. Ethan went up and knocked inside.

"Hey, anybody home?" He asked.

"Maybe a familiar voice." The woman said as she came up. "Luiza its me! Elena!" She pleaded. The door opened and an old man with a gun stood in the doorway.

"Stop shouting! you'll draw the monsters!" He said to us. The group bantered back in forth as the man named Julian wouldnt let us in.

"Do we have to get in there too or..?" I whispered to F/N as we stayed out of the situation.

"Yes. It's in our best interest to follow Ethan." She replied. Soon the woman named Luiza let us inside and we were brought to the living area.

"Come on, lets go snoop around before shit goes down." F/N whispered as she dragged me out by the hand. We went to the kitchen and before she began looking around i stopped her.

"Listen. I kinda need you to give me a quick run down on whatever the fuck is going on. I know nothing about this game or whatever it is." I said. She looked over to me and sighed. She leaned against the counter and crossed her arms.

"I'll make this brief." She began. "This place, is a death trap. Those zombie guys we beat up earlier are called lycans. They are like the mini mobs you fight before you get to the sub bosses and main bad guys." She explained. I nodded, grateful she put it into simple terms so i could understand.

"The four big bad guys are placed in different points of the game. in the order you fight them it goes Big Vampire Milf, Doll Obsessed Lady, Blistered Fish Man, And Hot Magneto." She said.

"Wait Magneto from X men?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"Pretty much, but he's older and his voice is sexy." She said. I nodded and asked her to continue.

"After you beat all of those guys, you do a bunch of flashy explosive stuff and fight the final boss lady."

"Okay so in the game who is the guy who beats them all? It cant really be us right?" I asked.

"In the game, you play as Ethan. His main goal is to get his ugly baby back from the final boss lady." She answered. "I doubt we have much time left before they start their stupid ritual."

"Ritual..?" I was interrupted by the distant sound of what sounded like a prayer. I looked over and watched as F/N picked up a few things.

"Come on, we're going upstairs." She said, once again dragging me. we were barely at the top before we heard screaming and unholy noises coming from downstairs.

The smell of smoke filled the room and gunshots were heard as the place began to go down in flames.


hey guys, ummm sorry for taking 9 weeks to update 😔 a lot has been going on and i do have 2 other books im updating + a tumblr blog so yeah.. anyway, im back in my res 8 phase so hopefully ill be getting more motivation to continue!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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