⁀➷。 Hot, sexy motivation

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F/N stared at me for a second, her brain seemingly trying to register our whereabouts before she finally blinked.

"I think I know where we are..." She said. She sat up completely and let her fingers sift through the snow.

"Well then tell me!" I said impatiently. If she knows where we are then I deserve the right to know too. I watched her stand up and inspect our clothes.

"I'll tell you after I confirm my suspicions...." She said. I stood with her and did the same thing she did. I noticed that I was now wearing a dark blue sweater under a tan winter coat. I was wearing black jeans that were suprisingly flexible. I looked down at my feet and noticed tan winter boots, stomping on the ground to get a feel for them.

"I don't remember changing clothes before getting struck by lightning" I said. Now that I think about it, I don't feel bad at all... it's not even that cold as before... huh, weird.

"Come on, we need to go." she said.

"Wait, wouldn't it be smart to stay here? these people are obviously important so im sure someone will be coming here to help soon." I said, not wanting to got anymore lost than i already was.

"I said come on, just trust me." She said, growing impatient.

"No, im staying here,"

She very rudely ignored me and took my hand, which I now realized was wearing black fingerless gloves.... why fingerless in this weather? She began walking over to the woods, I could barely see some sort of path through the snow that was falling in my eyes.

"Where are we go-"

"Hush" She interrupted. I huffed and followed her. We walked through the woods and passed a gate that said 'do not enter'. Crows were tied up, dead on the ground which freaked me out. Soon we found a small house and I was dragged inside.

.....It was a mess.

I didnt really know what was happening so I just looked around and saw F/N snooping through things. She picked a few things up and put them in her pocket.

"Hey, isn't this breaking and entering?" I said, walking over to her. "And uhh stealing?" I said as I watched her take more things from the drawers. I walked over to a doorway and notice that a bunch of cabinets were knocked down, preventing me to walk any further.

There was a buzzing and static sound floating in the air and I looked around the room. There was a small radio propped on top of a large cabinet that seemed to be causing the noise. F/N looked up at it when it made a few clicking sounds.

"Hello? If there are any survivors out there, come to my—to Luiza's house near the fields."

The radio clicked off and I stood puzzled for a second. Luiza? I dont know anyone named Luiza but I'm assuming whoever lives in this house does.

"Survivors? I guess we are surviving right now so does that include us?" I asked as she walked over. She handed me something and walked around, going toward gaping hole in the wall.

"Yes, we have to find that house." She said. I looked down in my hand and noticed she handed me a knife. It had a sharp blade and the handle was a dark brown. I looked at her and quirked a brow.

"It's a cool looking knife but why did you give it to me?" I asked, walking out the hole with her. She didnt reply and only trudged forward. we hopped a fence and walked up a large slope before she pointed to something in the distance.

"This proves it." She said. I looked where she was pointing and saw a large castle peering through the fog.

"This proves where we are." She looked back at me and put a hand on my shoulder. She seemed somewhat happy and I didnt know why.

"Don't freak out when I tell you okay?" She said. I got a little nervous and nodded. She smiled, a hint of mischievousness hidden in it.

"I think somehow we've entered the world of resident evil" She said. I was confused and racked my memory for the name, not really rememberring anything about it. Then it clicked.

"You mean that game you're obsessed with?" I said. She nodded and I stepped back.

"So basically we got Isekaid here, but instead of the cause being getting hit by a truck, we were struck by lightning?" I said, thinking over all the anime I had seen that was slightly similar to this.

"Uhhh I don't know what that means but yeah maybe" She said. She walked down a slope and slid down a steep incline, waiting for me to follow.

"If this is really the world you think it is, then doesnt that mean its dangerous? I don't think it would be smart to go..." I said, hesitant to move on.

"If you come with me I'll introduce you to a tall, sexy, vampire lady." She said. I perked up at the mention of a sexy woman and looked down.

"Really?" I questioned, still unsure, she nodded and I thought for a moment.

"Is she thick?" I asked.

"Definitely" She said. I looked back at her and tried to slide down the steep incline. I very ungracefully landed at the bottom and looked around. There a was a large patch of blood on the ground and it looked as if something had been dragged away.

We walked inside the house that was right beside us and noticed that everything was wrecked. There was stew spilled on the messed up table cloth and furniture was scattered around. there was also a sizable chunk taken out of the doorway.

"Looks like someone forgot to clean up after a party..." I said. She grabbed a few more items before walking out a different door.

"There isnt much of importance to see here. Other than a bunch of goat heads and dead people, these houses arent useful." She said. I was disturbed by how she said it so casually but I followed as she walked ahead.

F/N walked down a few paths and into houses, looking for items and stashing a few things in her pockets. I rummaged through a few houses and found a large dark colored bag.

"Will this be of any use?" I asked her, holding up the bag. She came over to me and took the bag, slinging it over her shoulder and adjusting it behind her back.

"Of course, now we have somewhere to put our items." She said. She pulled out a handgun and reloaded it, putting spare ammo in her pocket, and others in the bag.

"Where the hell did you find that?" I asked, suprised.

"In one of the other houses, it didnt have much ammo but we should be able to find more around here." We walked around for a while before we stood in front of a large field of... wheat I think...

"Just past here is Luiza's house." She said. "All of the Lycans and Shit should be killed already, but take out your knife just in case." I nodded and did as I was told before we navigated through the field. We gotnthrpugh without any troubles and saw the house.

"Well, here we go." F/N said as she stepped up to the door.

"I guess things get interesting from here on out."

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