⁀➷。 I am above the law

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Y/N's Pov

"Interesting?" I questioned, slightly nervous about what was inside. I was about to ask another question but I was Ignored. When F/N went to open the door, a man quickly stepped out and looked at us in surprise.

He had left the door slightly ajar and I could see two other people inside. 'Is that a machete...?' I thought to myself. the old man on the floor starting coughing and i didnt know whether to feel repulsed or feel bad for him.

"More survivors?" the blonde man who stepped out the door said. F/N quickly shut the door for him and looked around before looking back at him.

"I'm F/N and they're Y/N" she introduced us, the man looked over at me at the mention of my name. I awkwardly waved at him and he looked back over at my friend. 'damn okay, dont gotta shut me down like that' I thought before looking around for something to entertain me.

"My name is Ethan." The man introduced. "You should get inside, its not safe out here so wait until i come back." he said, looking between the two of us.

"F/N I don't know what's going on but maybe we should go insi-" I was cut off by F/N stepping away and sighing.

"We aren't going inside, we are staying with you, after all we have some things that might be of use to you." She said. The two of them fought for a minute but F/N ultimately won the arguement, not to my surprise.

She was about to take the lead when we heard growling coming from beyond the large field. Ethan quickly stood in front of us and F/N instructed me to pull out my knife.

She grabbed her gun and held it up, looking around for the source of the growling. The three of us walked into the field, which I thought was a very stupid idea, and we heard quick and uneven steps from our side.

Ethan looked over quickly and fired his gun, causing his target to make a weird growl/shrieking sound. F/N was also busy firing at something and I began to question why I was the only one without a gun.

I whipped around when I heard heavy breathing from behind me and swung my knife at whatever it was. I had hit the thing in the face and used this oppurtunity to run away. I ran deeper into the field but was faced with another one of those creatures.

It blocked my way for long enough that the one from earlier was coming back to me. I looked around and found something. Without thinking I slashed my blade across the sack of flour and temporarily blinded the weird zombie people things. I repeatedly attacked them with the slightly inefficient hunting knife before seeing them hit the ground and fade away, leaving behind a cool looking skull and some form of currency.

It took me a second to notice that I was no longer in the field, but instead in the pathway leading to it. I could hear shouting before I saw F/N and Ethan running out of the field, followed by three of the zombie things.

More of the creatures were coming from the other conjoining pathway and we quickly ran to a well that was nearby. The two of them started to shoot at the things before simultaneously running out of ammo. I knew F/N had more in her bag but she would take to long to reload so instead I ran ahead.

'I didnt think this through- why did I run out hereee' My thoughts screamed in my head as I swiped the knife across one of the monsters. When it hit the ground I stomped on its head, leaving my arms to attack the other ones.

"You can't kill me I'm a bad bitch-" I had been able to kill two and as the others began harassing me I heard gunshots fire and soon the rest of them were dead.

I was out of breath and hunched over, my hands on my knees for support. I could hear Ethan talking with F/N, but the sounds were fuzzy so I didnt catch the topic of their discussion.

I caught my breath and stood up and looked around. "You know, this would probably be considered murder" I said, looking at the scattered items the creatures dropped. F/N rolled her eyes but I could tell she was holding in a small laugh.

"I think the law is the least of our worries at the moment." She said as I walked over to her. She inspected me for injuries and looked back at Ethan, who had a startled look on his face.

"What? Why are the two of you looking at me like that?" I asked with a raised brow. "Am I just that attracti-"

"You two aren't injured at all... And your clothes don't have any damage to them either." Ethan said, a bewildered look plastered on his face. I was confused, surely we must have taken some damage... now that I think about it... I'm not in any pain, even after being tossed around by those things.

"Does this mean... We are invincible?"



Sorry for not updating in a while, I was at a relatives house and then I got sick 😷

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