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"Who's Mia?" asked Liam.

"The pregnant woman?" asked Dylan.

No, Mia is my date, i met her yesterday, i feel that she's my zing, the most perfect woman i have ever seen, her brown eyes, that badass attitude of hers, being an independent Queen, not depending on any man, she is so pleasant to my eyes, that filthy mouth of hers, awww she is perfect.

"Was that a insult?"said Dylan all confused.

"I doubt,"said Liam.

Shut up both of you, it was my best feeling for my woman, you guys are insult, my baby is a Queen.

"You say this for every girl you meet," said Dylan. *roll his eyes.

"But you don't say they are perfect however, "said Liam.

See, I have changed, I'm in love.

"No you usually say 'perfecto'," said Liam and laughed.

Well, thanks for nothing Liam. You guys don't understand my love.

"You said this as well before," said Liam.

Go fuck yourselves, you guys don't get girls that's why you're jealous as fuck.

"Childish," said Liam.

"Wait, you have a date now, but it's 11 am. Since when you have dates in the morning?" asked Dylan.

See, I'm a changed man now.

"I just have one doubt?"said Liam.


"Is mom going with you too?" asked Liam. And both Liam and Dylan starts to laugh.

Seriously? Go to hell.
*Ryan leaves.


Okayyyyyy!!! Wtf?? Is it me or you look pregnant?

"I guess it's not you, but how?" said Lana.

Did your belly grew over night or something or bitch?

"What?" said Lana.

Did you wore the corset yesterday?

"Yes, i did but," said Lana.

Discussion over, that's so bad for the baby, i know baby bump is not nice to see for a young babe like you, but body corset, hell No bitch, don't even dare again, i got scared.

Now get ready and go somewhere or lock yourself in your room, your choice.

"Why?"asked I all surprised.

'Cause Ryan is coming home, to watch Squid game with me and i have some plans for him and I.

"You're fast," said Lana.

I know, well did you hear Ryan's voice clearly yesterday or you're dying with pain?

"Hmm, i heard it, why?" asked Lana all confused.

He has a deep voice, right?

"Huh, yeah and?" asked Lana.

Well well men with deep voice have a high level of testosterone whicch also means high sexual desire, bigger penis size and they produce healthy babies therefore we can be pregnant besties if ever his condoms breaks with that speed.

"You're impossible," said Lana and she laughed.

So I am, and what's your plan?

"I gonna go to the hospital," said Lana.

ONE NIGHT STAND!!!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα