Leaves of Change: Chapter 1

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Chapter Warnings: Panic Attack, verbal abuse, implied/referenced verbal abuse, swearing


"We have the trash bags, the rakes, and the broom... are we missing anything?" Lotus asked, slipping a pair of brown work gloves over his hands to cover the holes in his palms.

Rocking back and forth on the handle of the push broom with his chin resting on his hands, Rurik shrugged, "If we are, we can always go into the house or around back and grab them."

"I'd rather not waste time going back and forth if we can help it; it's been getting darker earlier these days," the smaller skeleton reasoned, turning to survey the ocean of color spanning the front yard and driveway.

"Do we really have to clean out all these leaves? It's our day off; I'd rather just relax and watch T.V. together," Rurik whined, sending a pleading glance to the smaller monster, "'sides, the colors look pretty and you like pretty shit."

Thoroughly unconvinced, Lotus picked up the rake and gestured toward the charcoal gray truck sitting in the driveway, "You wanted that truck badly enough to actually buckle down and study for the driver's test, so clearing out the leaves is necessary... or did you already forget what happened when you couldn't tell the driveway from the yard while backing out last week?"

Rurik grimaced, likely recalling how he had gotten the wheel stuck after a rainstorm the night before, splattered mud all over the side and himself, and got yelled at for showing up late to work. He rolled his shoulder in irritation and grudgingly admitted, "Okay, yeah, the driveway needs to be cleared, but do we really have to clear out the yard too?"

"Yes; if we're going to do the job, we're not going to half-ass it," Lotus extended the rake out to the taller skeleton.

"So we're putting our whole ass into it?" Rurik grinned, leaning forward on the broom while shaking his hips, "I wouldn't mind seeing a little of that action."

Lotus groaned, pinching his nasal bridge in irritation, "Why do I try?" As Rurik laughed, the smaller held out his empty hand expectantly and growled, "Look, just hand over the broom already. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can veg out on the couch or whatever the hell you plan on doing."

"Okay okay, you win," Rurik chuckled, but thankfully presented the broom without any further commentary. Lotus took it and handed the rake over in turn, watching his companion peruse the yard for a moment. Finally, the skeleton sauntered over to the far corner and mumbled, "Guess I'll start over here..." 

Satisfied when a small pile of leaves began to form under the rake, Lotus turned and began clearing out the leaves from around the truck. He worked quickly and efficiently, pushing the leaves across the asphalt as his mind wandered. Hearing Rurik huff on the other side of the yard, his thoughts were drawn back to their previous conversation... he probably could have handled it without being snippy. 

Sure, his companion was being crude, but he knew that was just their sense of humor and it was nothing more than playful chatter. Yeah, the yard needed to be cleaned, but it was one of Rurik's rare days off and he always worked hard at his job despite his usually flippant attitude; he had probably planned on spending the day relaxing before Lotus roped him into helping with the leaves.

With guilt gnawing at him as he made it halfway down the driveway, Lotus let out a sigh and said, "Hey, sorry for being bitchy about the leaves; I..." His mouth fell shut as Rurik paused in their work to listen, unsure of how to explain himself.

"It's whatever," Rurik replied nonchalantly, "You did make a good point about the truck and I already know how much of a stickler you are about chores."

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