Breaks over

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"How many times have I told you not to list me as your emergency contact? "Aaron literally shouted and the whole Emergency Department echoed his words. Spencer just gulped, his head down and eyes fixed on his shoes, arms folded tightly. Aaron sighed in annoyance and sat down next to him. They had a  fight few weeks ago and ended up having a serious decision. To take a break. A rather long one. This ended up in Reid taking time off work.

It was Aaron who decided, more so the Spencer, that they needed it because he felt like Spencer didn't even care about having him or not and Spencer had started taking Dilaudid again and Aaron couldn't keep up with him and it stressed him in and outside of work. It also broke Aaron that he couldn't do anything to help because Reid had started pushing him away after the day they choice to take a break. Aaron knew how bad Reid could get and that he had Dilaudid in his flat and he tried to help Reid without either of them losing they job but  Aaron never thought he would think let alone say that he couldn't do it like that anymore.

So Aaron left him there at his flat with a long monolog to think about what Spencer he really wants. After they both agreed to take a break Spencer disappeared with the reason he needs time off, Aaron knew where he was but didn't want to believe it, he knew Spencer would be in the shitty motel where he could get Dilaudid at the old run down house down the end of the road.

However Aaron waited, but no matter how much he waited for Spencer to call or at least text, there was nothing. Oh well it wasn't true, tonight he finally got a call but not from his boyfriend, oh fucking no he got a call from the hospital instead! Aaron was mad at him for not calling, maybe not even thinking about him. Mad because after all it was still him who had to come and get Spencer, more than mad because he must had been right and Spencer didn't have as deep feeling as his.

Aaron was also mad at Spencer for doing whatever he had done to end up in a hospital in the middle of the night. Aaron wasn't sure why he even came to get Spencer. Maybe he felt sorry when they called they told him Spencer had not had his phone or any money and being unable to drive so someone had to come but even if he did feel sorry, the feeling was long gone and anger was the only thing left behind although Aaron did try his best not to yell at Spencer well at least not in front of all those people.

"Spencer Reid ." The doctor said and Spencer tried to stand up but failed and fell back to the chair with a very loud hiss of pain. Aaron let out another annoyed sigh and helped him, or rather grabbed him and dragged him into the room where the doctor was waiting. After Spencer was sitting Aaron stood further from him, as close to the door as possible, still sort of thinking if he should leave the room or stay.

"So Mr Reid as you can see on the x-ray, it's not broken but you sprained it in a really unfortunate way... I'm going to have to put it back in place..." The doctor said and Spencer took in a shaky breath. "It's going to hurt... A bit." Well that didn't sound convincing and Aaron could see the colour drain from Spencer's already pale face in fear. Aaron knew Spencer was afraid of doctors, Aaron usually found it adorable and a bit funny but now he was actually feeling sorry. Hoping Spencer won't faint. The doctor played it cool, asked him about some things to distract his scared patient but Spencer barely answered and Aaron almost chuckled and told the man that it wasn't worth trying because Spencer was far less chatty in a hospital even without being afraid and injured but then a loud crack filled the silent room. Soon followed by a loud painful sob.

Aaron felt his heart wrench as he hissed too he never did like seeing or hearing Spencer in pain. "There you go, here are some painkillers but wait with them until there's no alcohol in you and they should be fine." The doctor said more to Aaron then Spencer. They could leave, Spencer didn't really move. "Um... Spencer..." Aaron said, sounding less angry with the sudden concern as he saw Spencer wipe his face and try to stand up again on his own but his legs were shaking along with his hole body. Aaron went over to him slowly and softly pulled him up, putting his arms under Spencer and helping him stumble out slowly and painfully.

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