"Sir, can you hold my baby? I need to talk to Kay in private." Taylor said and handed Alfie to Ashton. It was funny how she called him Sir. We walked into my kitchen and she just stared at me for a while.

"Why the fuck are you going back to someone who's hurt you so many times in the past?!" She yelled at me.

"I know what I'm doing."

"Well, don't come crying to me when he hurts you." She said and I just stared at her. I could do much, everything just froze.

"You're moving away, Taylor, what am I going to do?" I asked and swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Don't cry." She said and hugged me. Her phone vibrated and she told me she had to go. She told me she was moving to France for a while and she's going to miss me a lot. KiKi told her mum to tell me thanks for the rabbit.

I walked out the kitchen after wiping my eyes and saw Ashton on the couch. He stood up and hugged me while I cried.

"I promise I won't hurt you like I hurt you before."

"I've just lost my best friend, my family, Zach and I can't lose you, too." I said and he kissed my forehead. He told me that he had to leave because they where recording some songs for the album. I kissed him and he was gone.

He didn't even give me his number, nothing.. How can we talk? As I was walking to bed I heard the door open, I saw Ashton again and I giggled. He handed me a piece of paper with his number and kissed me again before running out the door. I giggled and went to bed. I quickly texted him and closed my eyes.

Ashton: Morning Princess, I'm getting on a big ass plane. I'll text you later.

I smiled at the cute little message he sent me and went to go have a shower and brush my teeth. I got dressed in some ripped skinny jeans and a black vest top. I put on my leather jacket and got in the car. I just wanted to go on a drive to Southport and sit on the front.


I drove past a place called Pontins Southport, I smiled at all the childhood memories I had there. Harry was only a baby the last time we went. I parked up and sat on the Sea Front, I messed around with the stones and smiled, the wind was blowing in my face, which was nice.

"Kayleigh?" I heard someone say. I didn't recognise the voice one bit, however when I turned around I recognised the cute face.

"Lockie?" I gasped and hugged him. Lockie used to be my childhood best friend, then he moved to Southport because his dad got this really good job deal. Then I met Taylor and she's been there ever since. I pulled from the hug and looked at him.

"You've grown." I giggled and moved the hair from my mouth, the wind is annoying me now.

"You haven't." He chuckled and I lightly punched his arm. He offered to take me for a coffee so I said yes, because, I'm a coffee enthusiast and he's paying. "What brings you here?"

"I'm in some complicated relationship, Well, to be honest I don't know what we are but he's gone and Zach left me and I think I'm only dating Ashton because I miss Zach, I haven't even had time to grieve for him cheating on me yet, Am I a bad person?"

"Well, I don't know who Zach is, but he's pretty stupid for leaving you and Ashton, well, don't give up.. He's just gained a real life princess." Lockie said and I blushed. "You're not a bad person, if you do like this Ashton then make a go of it, you'll never know if he's a rebound or you genuinely do like him if you don't try."

"Thanks, Locks, can we go for coffee?" I blushed again as we walked to the nearest coffee shop. "I came here for some fresh air, I think I might move here, make a fresh start."

"I'd be happy to let you stay with me while you get on your feet." Lockie said and opened the door for me. I walked past and sat down as he ordered some coffees. It was nice to have him around again, he's always been a great friend.

"Are you really considering moving down here?" He asked and handed me a coffee. I nodded and took a sip. It burnt my lip a bit. "I'd love to show you around."

"I don't think it would be permanent, but it is into consideration. If I was to move down here, you'd have to show me around, it isn't too far to where I live now, so I can still go back and stuff." I said and nodded.

"How is your mum, Dad and the baby?" He asked and my breath hitched. The slowly breathed and smiled.

"They're great, still together... Brother is 6 going on 7 and yeah, my family is doing great." I lied and he smiled. I don't want everyone else knowing that my life fell apart.

"I'm glad nothing happened. So your brother just came back from the dead?" He said and I was shocked. I stood up ready to leave.

"I didn't mean it to come out like that, I meant I read the newspapers when it happened?" He said and I sat down. "I wanted to know how much you trusted me."

"It's not about trust, Lockie, it's about what I try to keep personal, after all I have been through, I think I'm entitled to have somewhat private life."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sick of hearing, that, it's not your fault!" I said and drank the rest of my coffee. I stood up and asked if he was ready to leave and he was. We walked to the beach and just took a walk down the beach, past all the green shit.


"It was nice catching up with you, message me about moving down here." He said and handed me his number, I took it and gave him a hug. I walked away and got back in my car. I looked at my right wheel and realised I had been clamped. I looked back but Lockie was gone.

"Fuck sake!" I shouted and kicked it -not the brightest idea-. I looked around and saw a hotel near by, I walked over to it and opened the doors. I walked in and asked for a room for the night. She handed me a key and I paid with my card. Glad that Zach is still putting money in there. But for how long?

I walked to the hotel room, unlocked the door and sat down on the bed. I got my phone out texted Lockie.

Me: Lockie, I've been clamped. I'm stuck in a hotel room.. What do I do?

I put my phone down and waited for him to text me back. I lay back and sighed, how could I get clamped? I wasn't on a double yellow lines, what the actual fuck.

Me: You off the flight yet?

I instantly got a message back from Ashton, it made me smile because he never left me waiting for a reply, he knew how much it meant to reply straight away.

Ashton: Yeah, sorry I didn't message you. Jet lag. Are you ok, my Princess?

Me: Nah, I went out to Southport for the day and my car got clamped, How will I get home?

Ashton: Take the train home, when I get home I'll buy you a new car.

Me: That doesn't exactly help my situation, I'll still have to pay.

Ashton: Princess, I'll sort it. Don't let it bother you.. I have to go rock out, are you going to be ok? I'll miss the show if you want to skype?

Me: I'll be fine, thank you. Go to your girls, they'll be missing you.

Ashton: Yeah, I love my girls, miss them too. Skype you later, Princess.

Me: Phone's dying.. I'll have talk when I can get home and charge it.

Ashton: Ok Beautiful.

Me: Bai

Ashton: Ciao

a/n: Do you like Lockie? Should I keep him in the story or not? He's not attracted to Kayleigh in anyway, they are just friends.

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