Dangerous (Ace x Reader)

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It was supposed to be a night out with his friends, burgers and pop cans in hand with music playing in the background, but then you came into the diner. Normally, Ace couldn't be bothered when someone else came in, the bell at the door ringing, but he felt a pair of eyes on him so he felt compelled to look over.

Girl, I can't notice but to notice you, noticin' me

Your eyes met, and from what Ace could tell, you were looking him up and down as you made your way over to the counter's stools. You took a seat and placed an order, temporarily breaking the eye contact.

From across the room, I can see it

The sly smile that crept onto your lips when your eyes trailed back to Ace, mischief in decorated your expression. You placed your arms on the counter and crossed your legs, fingers tapping the surface as you waited for your order to come.

And can't stop myself from lookin'

Ace had been staring off at you for quite some time, tuned out of the conversation his friends were having. All his attention zoned in on you, under your charm spell.

And noticin' you, noticin' me

Marco was the first one to notice Ace was out of it and nudged him, getting the raven-haired male to come out of his staring contest with you.

Watch out, I've seen her type before

"What's got you staring off into space, yoi?" The blond inquired in a teasing tone. Watching Ace's eyes flickering to something in the distance, Marco turned to see what he was looking at and saw you. Trying not to make any suspicious hasty moves, Marco spins his head back to his friend, shaking his head in disapproval. "You should watch out for her Ace, yoi."

That girl is so dangerous

"And why's that?" Ace questioned, raising an eyebrow at his friend.

That girl is so dangerous

"She's dangerous, and I don't mean the same kind we are yoi," Marco informed. "She's a different kind."

That girl is a bad girl

Ace glanced at you who just received your order, which was two pop cans. 'Why would she need two?'

I've seen her type before

Ace turned back to Marco, a smirk on his face and confidence in his eyes. "Don't you remember Marco? I like danger, it's practically my middle name," Ace said, referring to his inherited D intial.

She's so dangerous

Ace went to leave his seat to go and talk to her but saw she wasn't there at the counter. He frowned and scanned the diner to see where she went but found no trace. While he was looking around, a waiter approached the table placing a pop can and an extra nappkin on the table in front of Ace.

That girl is so dangerous

"I didn't order another drink..." Ace told the waiter with a puzzled expression.

That girl is a bad girl

"I know, she did," the waiter pointed out the window before walking away. "Lucky bastard..."


Ace's eyes went to the window and saw you there leaning your side against the glass, drinking from your pop can. You winked at him, and signed him to call you before strolling away. Ace looked down at the napkin and noticed your number was written there, as well as your name.

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