your car broke down

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y/n's point of view

Half of the cast is on set tonight filming a big scene. I'm not a part of it so i decided to go grocery shopping for tonight. Drew and I are having a little movie date in my appartement. Well in my room cause i share the appartement with madelyn and madison.

I'm heading to target which is quite farther then i expected because i arrive there after 30 minutes. I get out of my car and go to grab a cart.

As i enter the store i immediately make my way to the popcorn and snacks aisle.
I zone out a little and my mind keeps wandering to Drew. We've been together for 3 months now and i've never been happier. He's really the sweetest soul i've ever met. I honestly don't think there's one bad bone in his body.

He was the one to make the first move. We've had been flirting with each other for awhile before he decided to do something about it. It went from joking around together to subtly holding each other's hands under the table whenever we were out in dinner with the cast. Which by the way none of them seemed surprised when we announced our relationship. Rudy was like "we were waiting on this for longer than you guys. » and then chase went on talking about how he was the captain of our ship.

I smile at the memory and put some snacks in the cart. As i check my phone for the time i see that it's already 8 pm and before i close my phone my eyes travel to the battery and i sigh at the 5%. I'll have to charge it as soon as i get home, i think to myself.

I checkout all the food and drinks that i chose and make my way to my car.

As i'm listening to the radio i can feel my car slow down a little. Panic immediately takes over me and i glance at the dashboard to check the amount of oil left. I feel my heart drop when it shows that there's barely left anymore.

Not risking to be stuck in the middle of the road of this random town i park on the side of the road. I go to grab my phone to call someone and my heart drops a second time when i see the 1%.

"fuck fuck fuck!" i say struggling to open the message app with shaky hands.

By reflex i open my conversation with Drew and start typing cause trying to call would be a waste of time

me: im stuck in the middlle of nowerhe my car brok e down

i type fast not caring about the mistakes. i press send but then remember that's clearly not enough information for him to know where exactly i am.

me: my phone's a 1% i'm near target in-

i can see my phone giving up on me so i just press send without finishing my sentence.

A big sigh escapes from my mouth as i throw my head back on the seat. I look around for a charger but don't find one but also remember it'd be no use cause my car won't turn on.

I look in the rear view mirror accepting that the only way out of this is walking back to target to buy a charger and find a plug in the store.

I carefully get out of my car making sure no car's driving past me.

Fuck this day wasn't supposed to end this badly.

And just when i thought it couldn't get any worse i feel a water drop on my nose.

"that's just great." i say sarcastically as i glance at the cloudy dark sky.

Drew's point of view

"CUT!" i hear the director say. "everyone has a quick 5 minutes break before the next scene." he finishes.

Me and chase make our way to our water bottles.

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