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A/N: Thank you to everyone who upvoted this story and left your thoughts and comments. It means so much to me! I will get back to them as soon as I can :)


Everything after that night had become a beautiful blur that seemed too giving to be true. He had taken her name with a teary smile as he asked for her hand to hold in the journey of life, and she had said yes without a second thought, just as she had dreamt of for all these years.

Khushi's lips curve upwards just the slightest, remembering how he then proceeded to speak to her parents, both of whom at first were incredibly confused, and righteously so. Her ever caring Jiji had stepped in then, letting them know of the truth of the past, and the reality of the present. Slowly but surely, Payal was able to familiarize her parents to the prospect of Khushi's future with Arnav, after which they happily blessed them with warmth and love.

One distinct memory that did not, and will never leave Khushi, is the joyous, kind eyes of Ratna, a woman who is a second mother to her. The happiness of finding out about the proposal left her hugging Arnav in a pure, motherly embrace. She then removed the pair of kangans she wore on her own hands, placing it onto the wrists of its now rightful wearer – Khushi, her bahu.

There were still obstacles to overcome, issues to be addressed. Arnav was to leave for California the next night as urgent work piled at the company. With a last moonlit night to spend with each other, he had taken Khushi in his arms and had promised her every day of togetherness, and not one more night of separation – they had endured that enough.

Days turned to weeks and finally months, before she received a much awaited phone call.

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"Khushi," Her name sounded hoarse on his lips, as if parched with thirst. "I've finalized the process. I'm moving the main branch to Delhi, from where I'll be working,"

Her squeal of excitement sounded simultaneously as he let out a laugh.

"God, how I miss you..."

Two weeks after that phone call he was back in her arms, ready to set up a brand new branch of his company in the center of the city. Five more branches of the Raizada Corporations opened in New York, Los Angeles, Texas, Chicago, Toronto, London and Sydney, the oldest and the first being in California, Arnav's childhood home. As he settled into the new work structures, the preparations for their wedding commenced with blessings from both sides of the family.

After a year of being engaged and another year of planning, the day had finally arrived.



Khushi's heart pounds as her glazed, hazel eyes rise to look into his warm, umber orbs, the moment stilling. The pandit ji's voice seems distant, the hundreds of friends and relatives nearby, their presence fading. The lights as if dimming everywhere.

All that matters for now, is the vermillion between his fingers. His smile that eases her soul, and the sigh of contentment that escapes his lips as he marks her with sindoor.

From bride and groom to husband and wife, the beginning of an unbreakable bond.

Arnav looks beside him to see wholehearted happiness graced across her glowing face, grateful for fate's way of uniting two fragments of one whole.


Thank You Note

36,490 words later, we now come to an end for Fragmented Colors.

This story remains very special to me because it is the first completed piece of fiction I have published. The plot line is to an extent inspired by my asli duniya as well, making it even more memorable.

However, the main reason this story is as special to me as it is because of you, dear readers. By reading and loving this story you have made it a story to be cherished. Thank you for that.

To readers who may think that this is an abrupt ending – This is where I always intended the story to end. Once the consequences and obstacles were gone, the motive of the plot line was reached and resolved. So, there was no need for me to go on and drag it unnecessarily. I hope you understand.

 I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Thank you all again, and for a last time I present to you, FRAGMENTED COLORS.

– Rain

ArShi FF: Fragmented ColorsWhere stories live. Discover now