Chapter 6

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Jennie's POV

My hands shaking. It feels like a bucket of ice is poured to me.

I looked at him straight to the face.

How dare you say that to me.

His eyes is so soft while while begging me to say something.

I sit properly. Drink some water to engulf the message he said to my brain. He's following my every move.

I cleared my throat. "You asked to see me for you to explain yourself about how you cheat on me two years before." My voice is hard. "Even if, I don't really need to."

Why the heck it still hurts.

"Jen-", I cutted him off.

"Now, you're asking me back? Can you hear yourself  Mino?" I spatted at him.

He tried to touch my hand that is resting above the table, I moved away avoiding his touch.

I can't stand this anymore.

I stand up. He freaked out and stand up also.

I roamed my eyes in the restaurant, looking for any sign of Jisoo Unnie coming from the bathroom and also checking if the people recognizes us.

A sign of relief took over my system. Glad those paparazzis are not here.

My eyes landed on him again when he talk.

"Jen ,please. Just hear me-", He was cutted from his talk.

"Hey, why standing?" Jisoo Unnie came.

I get my phone from the table. I reached for Unnie's bag and phone also and gave it to her.

"Let's go, Unnie." I dragged her. Mino hold my wrist.

"Jennie, please." I looked at him. Many emotions flashed in his face. Pain. But, I pretended not to noticed.

I shove his hand, but he's too strong.

Jisoo who is still confused about what's happening holds Mino's hand that is on my arm.

"Mino, I respect you. I don't know what's going on, but since I can see Jennie getting uncomfortable. Please let us go." She shoved Mino's hand away from me.

Mino watched me soothe my red wrist because of his hold. Guilt is written all over his face. He tried to hold me again.  But, Jisoo block him.

"Mino, let's not attract any audiences. We don't want any issues. Now, let us leave in peace. " Jisoo hold my hand and smiles at me."Let's go, Jendeuk!"

I can't say even a single word. I'm glad Jisoo's with me.

After getting away from him, we get in the car. I breath heavily.

I hold my chest. I realized that I've been holding my breath.

"You okay?" Unnie ask worriedly.

I nodded. "I'm okay." I let my head rest on the passenger seat.

Mino's image flashed in my mind.

Jen, don't be a bitch.  How fucking can you remember that asshole while forgetting your girlfriend.

I sat properly. I fixed myself.

"I won't ask anymore, Jendeuk. Just keep your promise to us." Jisoo's patting my back while my eyes wander in the road of Paris.

"Oh god, I knew it! All the flirting on the stage and cuddles in our dorm while watching netflix is real!" Jisoo Unnie's interrogating me and Lisa after they caught us kissing on the kitchen.

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