Chapter 16: Mission..Somewhat Possible

Start from the beginning


Teenage Worker: Woah! What the hell man!?

Nate Xpress: Kid I need this fucking truck for world saving purposes!

Teenage Worker: Lower the gun!  I'll call the cops!

Nate Xpress: Bitch I am the law! Now give me the goddamn truck!

*Nate hits the kid with the end of the gun and renders him unconscious, he steals the keys from him and motioned everyone to come over to the truck, Miya looks livid as everyone else goes with it.*

Miya Squared: Are you crazy?! We're supposed to be protecting people!

Nate Xpress: He just wouldn't move.

Ben Connell: What matters right now is that we've got a way in, everyone, get in the back. Me and Nate will handle this.

*Everyone except Nate & Ben get in the back of the truck as Nate & Ben plot.*

Ben Connell: So, what's the idea?

Nate Xpress: I'm glad you asked.


*Guards are standing at the garage door as a truck pulls up. The guard motions for the window to be rolled down as inside in a man with sunglasses on and an Extinction Uniform.*

Guard #1: You look new? Got a name.

Clearly Nate in Disguise: ...My name is Joseffy Groncowski.

Guard #2: That's a new name, Russian descent? Or are you trying to play us for fools..

"Joseffy Groncowski": I didn't know we were playing 20 questions, I've got supplies to drop off.

Guard #1: Is it the rest of what was requested?

"Joseffy Groncowski": You mean what Mr. Davis requested?

Guard #1: Correct. We need any and all kinds of scrap into order to make sure that these bombs are secure and ready for use, all we have to do now is make sure that it's legit.

"Joseffy Groncowski": Please go ahead.

*Both guards walk to the back along with Nate.*

Guard #2: Do you have the key to the back?

"Joseffy Groncowski": Yessir! Lemme get it out of my pocket right now.

*As soon as he says that, Ben comes from behind and cracks the guard in the side of the head. The 1st Guard notices and aims his gun toward Ben but Nate stabs him in the eye with the key, he holds his eye in pain but Ben comes around and snaps his neck.*

Nate Xpress: And the door wasn't even locked.

Ben Connell: C'mon, let's get in there.

Miya Squared *From in the trick*: What did you guys do??

Ben Connell: Got us a way in.

Miya Squared: Did you kill them?!

Nate Xpress: Shut up! We've gotta get in before you ask any questions!

*Ben runs over and pushes the button on the building that opens the bottom floor entrance, they both get back in the trick and drive in, meanwhile, in the back of the truck. Everyone is kind of awkwardly waiting.*

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