Alot is on my mind.

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Ben had a long day at work seeing that his assistant had quite so he was in the process of looking for another and had interviews the following week. He was stressed and tired.

Ben received and text from a long time friend
Hey Ben there a gentleman's club I wanted to check out tonight and I don't won't to go by myself so are you down?
Ben frowned he really was not in the mood
Sorry man I'm not in the mood Ben responded.
Come on man it will be fun and it on me I know you won't pass down a free drink Jackson responded.

Ben new Jackson was not going to let up so he agreed then Jackson told him to be read within an hour.
It was around 10:00 when Jackson came so they could ride together.
The club was not for the arrived within ten minutes
Walking in Ben new he did not won't to be there. Not that he did not like women he just did not like the kind of women that was presented to him. All of these women was really skinny or had a body that was obviously fake and no shame to them that's just not what he wanted in a women.

Ben and Jackson walks over to the bar to get a drink
Whiskey on the rocks Ben said and so did Jackson.
They received there drinks then walked around a little the Jackson told Ben to let him buy him a dance off back Ben declined
Jackson argued come on man I won't buy you a cheap one ima get you one of the exclusive dances
Ben thought on it because he was curious on what am exclusive dance was. So he agreed

Both men walked over to the counter where you put in for your dances
Jackson asked the man for two of there exclusive dances
That will be 200$ the man says
Ben looks at Jackson crazy this dance better be great spending that much money on it. Jackson gave the man the money then they where escorted to there rooms.

Ben sat at the chair in the middle of the room looking around he thought I was a nice room from what he could see because it was dark. He sat there for about 5 minutes before he heard the curtain come open slowly looking up he the most edible person in the world. Even tho he could not she that many features he could she her body shape how plump her lips where and he could see the confidence she strides with.

Miranda walked into the room and saw a man that was handsome she was glad that he was because who want to hump and grind on a dusty man. She slowly walked towards him and finally straddling him she ask how many songs. She did not get a immediate response so she assume that he was amazed. So she asked again. And he looked at her and said three like he was telling his momma how many things he stole from a candy store. She smiled because she thought I was cute and innocent.

The song started to play and Miranda began to dance she move her body with such persistent sways. And now grinding on him she feels how hard he was and she grins.

Ben was truly amazed at what was on his lap moving like she wanted to move to the bedroom. She could not keep his eyes off her body. Ben frowned when she got off him and walked behind him but then she began rubbing on his chest and blowing light breaths on his ear and neck. Ben groaned to her actions. He was hot and bothered.

Miranda in joyed herself with him the songs went by fairly quickly and she was ready to go on to her next client.

Once the third song was over Ben was taken aback because he did not won't this to end. But it did

Ben walked out the room and back to the bar speechless. He saw Jackson walk from the back then walk to him.
How was your dance man Jackson said
Ben could do nothing but shake his head
Damn man was it that good it got to speechless
Yeah man I can't think straight
Damn man did she give you some pussy or something
No, Ben quickly responded
Hell no bro wtf she just gave me a dance
So your telling me that that woman did nothing but dance on you and you acting like this?
Ben did nothing but nod and take a sip off his drink
Damn man you need some sex because now your just settling for anything

Ben and Jackson stayed a few more hours then finally calling it a night they went back to Bens place and Jackson left to go home leaving Ben stuck in his thoughts.

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