She heard you mutter under your breath as you kicked and turned under the covers, "No, please. I can't take anymore..." She felt herself frown sadly as she reached a hand out, her fingers gently grazing your icy skin before you shot up. There were icicles formed in both hands in no time, your eyes glowing white and your teeth bared. The sweat on your forehead wasn't even a liquid, turned into an icy frost sticking to your skin. Your breath came in clouds of air as you breathed heavily.

"Woah, it's just me!" Wanda said carefully, her hands out as she looked you over. You slowly grabbed your bearings, calming your breath as the icicles disappeared from your hands, turning to clouds that dispersed into the air like mist. You ran a hand through your hair, closing your eyes as they returned to their normal color. When you were calmed again, your eyes found Wanda's and you asked, rather harshly, "What are you doing in here?"

Wanda's response was almost as harsh as yours, "You were having a nightmare again, I was just checking on you." You huffed and brought your covers up to cover you, the icy air beginning to prick at your own skin from how cold it was. Wanda found herself shivering in her own spot of the room, but stood with her hands to her side as she ignored the intense cold of the air. "I'm fine," you said firmly.

She began to ground her teeth before remember the nightmares that would haunt her own dreams. She couldn't blame you for being on an extra edge than usual--nightmares did that to people. She slowly began to sympathize as she remembered the words you'd spoken. 'I can't take anymore...'

She took a brave leap as she muttered under her breath, "Did Hydra get to you, as well?"

Your head shot up, your eyes snapped to hers as you glared. "Yeah," you replied.

She glanced down at her feet, her hands finally coming up to her sides as her fingertips smoothed against her skin to try and ease the bite of the air. "Yeah, I know how that feels..."

You scoffed and it caught her attention as she tore her gaze from the floor to you. Her eyes were wide with anger, mostly, at your reaction. You shook your head, "Don't try to act like you understand me, like we're the same. We aren't."

"And why not?" she raised a brow.

You turned to her, your eyes shooting daggers and your tone accusing, "I didn't have a choice."

She stared at you as her mouth fell slightly, her eyes now angry as a flash of red circled her irises. She balled her fists and rushed out of the room without another word. You watched her leave, the door slamming harshly behind her. You almost jumped, but you didn't as you settled back into your sheets. You tried to get more sleep that night, but the nightmare and Wanda's reaction to your words were keeping you from doing just that.


The tension between you and Wanda began to grow out of control now that she was also angry with you as you were, her. The room became uncomfortable whenever the both of you were in it. Members of the team meant to figure out what the problem was, but the hostility of the atmosphere was making it rougher to just do it.

Bucky, however, had less of a problem. He spoke to you one evening, you were reading out on the balcony while everyone else was inside. He sat next to you, his body turning to face you a little before he finally opened his mouth and broke the silence of the still air. "What's up with you and Maximoff?"

You lifted a brow and turned your eyes to look at him. You took a breath in and turned back to the pages, your brows furrowing slightly as you answered, "Nothing. Why?"

He let out a light chuckle, "C'mon, we can all tell something's up."

You ground your teeth together and shook your head, not meeting his gaze as you tried to keep your eyes focused on the book. Bucky looked over you for a while before he sighed, his eyes looking down at his hands for a moment before looking back up at you. 

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now