♬ part 1 ! let's do this !! ♬

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the quote:
(courtesy of kut0rii )
a smirk adorns my ROYAL face as i stare daggers into the back of Discords head, gaze more dangerous than the blade

the story:

She glances around, eyes skimming over the giant ballroom. It's impressive size is thanks to the king, the kindest one in this part of the world. He is the reason that she isn't out on the streets, murdering questionable people left and right. King Demitrios, as he is called, found her when he was on his daily walk. Having no children of his own he took her in, bringing her up and helping her survive. While she was grateful, some side of her remains back in the cold streets, dagger in one hand, a man's heart in the other. She sees all the stained folks in this dance, a celebration for her sixteenth birthday. As her eyes roam around the curtains, tables of food, and guests, she remembers who she is really here to look for. Had he not been spotted among the diners, she'd have been eating cake and sipping wine with the king. Finally, back in the shadows, she spotted the familiar shape. The shoulders, the hair, the clothes. He hadn't bothered to change anything, as was typical of him. In three days' time was his birthday, and she had plans that day. Wicked plans. Plans that lead into her past, before the king had rescued her from their cruel nature. A royal smirk adorned her face, as cruel as her previous master's had been. Her eyes shone as she glared daggers into the back of his head, already delighted at the thought of how she was to kill him. He never turned around, and none of the guests paid any attention to her either. Had they bothered even a glance in her direction, they'd have noticed that her glare is more dangerous than any weapon created by man.

author's note:

it was quite fun writing this!! i took inspiration from the throne of glass series which i recently read and highly recommend if you're into fantasy/magic vibes. overall this was a good way to get back into writing, i'm excited to showcase the next few parts!!

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