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Third person POV:

In a small house, with a dark blue roof, decorated by Halloween pumpkins, spiders webs etc... is living a small family of 2 people.
2 happily engaged men, Kokichi Oma and Rantaro Amami, or I can say now, Kokichi Amami. They have been thinking about marrying for quite a while but something was stoping them. Hate. They were scared that people would hate them for loving each other, for being in a gay relationship. And how would it affect their kid if they will have one? They were wondering.

~But one not-so-romantic night, the purple haired male was just cooking, oh I mean burning their dinner. As the shorter male was busy he heard the front door open, filled with joy he quickly left everything he was doing and ran towards the entera ce of the house.

"RANTARO!!!" The male screamed happily to finally see his loved one after one week of being separated by his adventurous work.

"Hello darling!" Rantaro has answered, now happily running towards his loved one.

"Taro o was missing you so much! You've been out for SOOO long!" Kokichi said.

"I'm sorry love, I don't know how I survived without you for so long honestly!" The taller male said chuckling at how adorable Kokichi is to him. But, Rantaro has said the truth, he really was wondering,
how did he survive without Kokichi for so long?

"While I was driving home I saw a couple being proposed and..." Rantaro has stated a little unsure of wether he should or not continue his sentence.

"Oh come on! Taro no need to be so cheesy, I don't remember falling in love with a man who was just like others! Everyone is starting to purpose this way...." Kokichi said trying to cheer Rantaro's mood when all of a sudden réalisation hit him.

"WAIT ARE YOU PROPOSING?!?" Kokichi asked-yelled.

"So, will you marry me?" Rantaro chuckled before saying the following words.


~Our days~
Morning, October 4th, 2021, 8:03 am.

Both of the males were sleeping, or may I correct, one male was sleeping. Rantaro has woken up 10 minutes ago, he was just enjoying his now husband's company by stroking his hair and just holding him close. They had their marriage 2 days ago, they were gifted many things from their friends.
They received some cooking ustensiles from their lovely detective friend.
Some health, luck and happiness spells from the witch, Himiko.
A beautiful painting from their artist friend - Angie Yonaga.
And other amazing gifts....

"Good morning my dear husband" Kokichi said shacking the thoughts of Rantaro's head. The purple haired male was chuckling at his now husband. He found it adorable when he was sleepy.

"Well good morning dear~" Rantaro said in a deep tone which made Kokichi's skin color grow red instead of his usual beige color.

"W-woah-" Was the only thing that could escape from the smaller male's mouth. As he opened his mouth to say something again he was cut off by Rantaro kissing him all over the face. Giggling, happiness and love was filling the air. They were happy and in love with each other, and nothing could prove them wrong about how strong this feeling is.

I really enjoyed writing this oneshot, I hope you like the result!
560 words

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