The Couple

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Dabi was doing his usual people watching at the park, this was his time he spent alone. He enjoyed this time because he could unwind and not worry about league duties. He would sit at a bench in the park and watch people walk by or sometimes he would even read a book on quiet days when no one was out.

He glanced at his watch, almost time and she would be walking by. Maybe he wouldn't be with her today, lucky bastard. Some days he could tell that her boyfriend didn't appreciate what he had. Dabi could tell she was kind sweet girl, she had helped others in the park if they looked distressed. Her boyfriend would look like he was never interested when she would tell him about her day. Other times they would walk in silence and her smile was gone. That bastard, those were the days Dabi wanted to set him on fire. She had a beautiful smile, with a slight dimple in her left cheek. So anyone that was responsible for taking away her smile needed to burn.

"Keni, come back. Please stop. How does your fat ass have this much energy. Stop Keni."

Dabi looked up to see a chunky pug running towards him, he got up quickly and grabbed the leash. "Hey there boy, how did you give her the slip?" Dabi scratched the back of his ear and Keni sat down energy all gone.

"Oh my gosh, thank you for stopping him. I had to tie my shoe and didn't think he noticed that I put his leash down. Then I looked up and he was gone," she looked at her dog, "you were just waiting for the day weren't you, my little fat boy."

"No problem, maybe he just really wanted to feel free." He met her eyes and smiled, "or maybe he saw something he wanted. Looks like he is worn out now."

She couldn't help but stare, if his deep raspy voice didn't sooth her into a trance his eyes absolutely hypnotized her. She had noticed him when she would come on her walks, he seemed so mysterious just sitting on the bench alone. She imagined what he would sound like and hearing him finally didn't live up to what she imagined. Plus his eyes, she knew they were blue but up close they reminded her of the Maldives. She loved how crystal clear the waters were in the pictures she saw, her dream vacation.

He looked at her and laughed, "looks like you both saw something you might like."

She quickly snapped out of it, "Yeah maybe ... I mean no ... I mean not that you're not ... sorry, I don't know ... thank you again for your help."

She was about to leave but her dog refused to move. Dabi scratched his ear again, "think he needs a minute to catch his breath. Unless you need to be somewhere or someone's waiting for you?" Dabi hadn't noticed her boyfriend around so maybe she was alone.

"I think you're right and I have time." She smiled and sat down on the bench. She wasn't going to pass up the chance to talk to the mystery man. She noticed his scars but it just added to his mystery and made him that much sexier.

Dabi sat next to her, "Dabi, my name is Dabi."

"Selene, nice to finally meet you." She held out her hand.

Dabi hesitated for a second but took her hand. She didn't seem put off by his appearance and sounded excited to talk to him. Her hand felt soft against his rough skin, she had brushed his wrist with her fingertips sending a spark up his arm. "What do you mean finally?"

"I've noticed you sitting here almost daily, is this the time you use to get away from the world?" His hand felt warm in hers, she was always a little cold so she didn't want to let go. She felt a warm tingling sensation go up her arm, was it him or because of him.

She was still holding his hand, "I like to just take a moment to myself and not think about anything."

"I enjoy those moments too, it helps me reset." She looked down at her hand in his, "Can you relax and let all the pain go?"

Dabi AU/Varient StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now