evening wedding³⁵

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jaemin wiped crumbs away from the corner of his mouth as he entered his home. jeno's idea of sneaking cookies from the kitchen after running around gibbous moon central was fun, though it earned all three of them a scolding from song (even though renjun hadn't done anything).

the smell of food being cooked filled his nostrils as he closed the front door behind him, heading over to the living room to sit down on the couch.

"uncle nana! you're back!" came a happy voice, a small boy basically jumping on the older and pulling him into a hug.

"hey taro," jaemin hugged his ten-year-old nephew back with a smile. "how was school?"

"good," he said before looking up at his parents who were in the kitchen and leaning down to whisper, "can i tell you something, uncle nana?"

"go ahead. i'm listening."

shotaro looked back at his dads again before continuing, "i like someone. like, like-like someone."

"really?" jaemin said with a overdramatic gasp. "who?"

shotaro grinned, his cheeks a light pink colour, before answering, "my best friend, sungchan."

"ooh," jaemin said with a teasing tone.

"don't tell my dads, okay?" shotaro says with attempted firmness.

"of course i won't," jaemin pretended to zip his mouth shut.

the conversation didn't continue for much longer with sicheng calling them over for dinner — a bowl of beef and broccoli along with some rice.

shotaro keep pushing his broccoli aside to just eat the beef, but sicheng's watchful eyes caught that and made him eat his vegetables because he was a "growing boy" and plus, it was healthy for him.

jaemin's appetite was admittedly ruined by the cookies he had stolen with jeno and ate, but he forced down his meal anyways to stop his half-brother or brother-in-law from questioning him. soon enough, the dinner was completely gone and jaemin had to help sicheng wash all the dishes.

as his hands grew soaper the more he covered the dishes with soap, sicheng spoke. "let's talk," sicheng smiled. "how was school today?"

"good," jaemin said.

"that's good," sicheng nodded, drying off a plate with his washcloth. "don't you have a reading assignment? how is that going?"

"i'm already way past the chapters we are supposed to read," jaemin answered.

"that's impressive," sicheng nodded. "y'know, you spend a lot of time at your friends' houses these days. not that you already didn't, now, but it's a lot more than before."

jaemin just smiled. "i like being around my friends, obviously."

i like being around my boyfriends.


"thanks for helping out, your majesty," doyoung said gratefully to renjun, who was also holding a huge basket full or white soft petal flowers.

"it's nothing," renjun said. "i have a free day today so i need to do something."

"heh," doyoung grinned. "i know taeil wanted to help, but he has other things to do to help out."

taeil, a dark haired demon, was doing the food along with taeyong, but he wanted to help doyoung out as well on top of that. the half-angel, half-demon refused but even then, taeil said he would still help him out if needed.

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