Chapter 5: The Friend

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~*If anyone even bothers to read this...I just had finals and I'm exhausted. Had some time between my last minute studying so new chapter! You probably thought this chapter was about Charlotte right? Well, you're wrong! MWUHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I need to take my pills. Just kidding. Over there is how I imagine Tessa. :) I'll put Alexander next. This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful person who made this beautiful new cover for me, who is alway (coincidentally) is my new drool buddies. I love you lots! Author's Craziness will be continued on the bottom. Onto the story...*~


*Tessa's POV*

I drew furiously yet delicately into my notebook throughout my next five classes. Except P.E. of course. My teachers didn't bother to stop me nor they care enough to except for Mrs. Raine, who was surprisingly enough my art teacher. And here I thought you were supposed to draw in art. She had walked around the room, examining everyone's masterpieces and deliberately paused at mine. I had come to a conclusion that either she was horrified or quite amused, I honestly could not tell which. Charlotte managed to get my mood and left me space to breath but was friendly enough so that I didn't feel completely alone.

The awkwardness between Alexander and me was undeniable at this point. The uncomfortable silences, the brief glances and me avoiding any contact with him. What do you expect me to do? Jump up and down that he didn't have feelings for me but for my dead sister and was using me? I don't think so. As soon as I exit through the door, the coolness hit my face.The air outside was crisp. I inhaled deeply, surprised but grateful for the clarity it brought debate whether I should sit in my spot or Charlotte's, I decide it's only fair that I sit in my seat. The low hum of engines filled my ears as the bus starts. I'm so deep in thought I don't realize that someone had sit down next to me.

"You know, denying that you don't have feelings for each other isn't going to help." A voice said. I look up into a pair of coffee colored eyes. I gave her a wistful smile.

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear, Charlotte." I answer. My voice sounded more bitter than I intended. She looks at me strangely but continues on.

"He obviously likes you, you obviously like him. What's the big deal?" I sigh. "Did you know sighing is a sign of defeat?" Charlotte says while smirking like a idiot.

"Get your facts straight. I don't like him, he doesn't like me. " I don't. I don't.

"Denial's not just a river in Egypt, you know?"

"That comeback is about as old as time, you know?" I retort but I couldn't resist cracking a small smile.

"Finally! A real smile from this grumpy old person!" Charlotte exclaims, earning a few odd looks from passersby. I couldn't help but love Charlotte and her craziness. She didn't care what anybody else thought. The total opposite from me. Every one of her movement was lithe and graceful, yet with an edge of casual confidence. I wouldn't be surprised if she took ballet. An after thought hits me.

"How would you know anyways?" I ask, keeping my voice light. As if reading my thoughts, Charlotte laughed.

"I do have eyes. It's painfully obvious at this point, Tess. Can I call you that? Eh. Anyways, I only have lunch with you guys but that scene at the cafeteria made it pretty...obvious. You looked at him all hurt when Amanda said that and he looked like he wanted to do something to make her stop." Charlotte said while shrugging slightly. Was I that transparent? Wait...I don't have anything to hide...

Once we reached the bus stop, we exchanged numbers before going our separate ways. Mom, as usually was MIA. I was in too foul of a mood to any homework and didn't want to get depressed again by drawing. My next resource happened to be my iPod. I turn on shuffle, happy with just about anything at this point. A quiet tapping sound began, followed by Anna Kendrick's sweet melodious voice yet had a country edge to it.

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