Chapter 5

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Back home she continues to level up her character. But later in the evening, she can hear yelling on the bottom floor. With her keen senses, she can hear that there is a man who is shouting angrily at her mother. And with her greet memory she recognizes that voice as that sorry excuse as a father, An Hoxi So obviously she stopped what she was doing and go downstairs to help her mother. Once she gets down she also sees that he has brought his mistress and her two children which only one of them is actually related to her. That is their son An Ximing the other is his elder sister Tang Susu. Both of them are considered good-looking. Susu is a second-rate beauty with long silky black hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes. While Ximing has brown hair and grey eyes and while he is not considered to be outstanding in the looks apartment he is still considered above average. One could tell that both of them take after their sensual mother. Although Ximing did inherit their father's hair and eye color. 

Both of the siblings are looking at her mother with gloating eyes while the mistress is pretending to be sweet and innocent. Trying to stop her father to accuse her mother. Obviously, so that she can add fuel to the fire. 

An Hoxi: " You arrogant woman, who gave you the right to continue to live at this mansion. As the Cao of Sparx, I should be the one to live in this mansion. I only let you live here because of our son. But now he has been gone for months, so why do you still linger!?" 

Lan Xue: " Who, gave you the right to say all this?" 

An Hoxi:" Right? I have all the rights in the world if it weren't for you having 25 percent of the shears I would not even bother with you. Now give the mansion to its rightful owner Tang Wuxi!

Lan Xue: " How could a mistress be the rightful owner of this mansion?!"

An Hoxi: You bitch!

He screams and is about to slap her but is stopped by Tang Wuxi who pretends to be caring and pitiful and stops him.

Tang Wuxi: " You don't have to do this sister Lan will blame me if you slap her, let's give up for now. I am sure she will see reason once she has thought it over."

She says with a soft and coxing voice, Diminishing his anger.

An Hoxi:" You are too kind-hearted, there is no way a witch like her can be reasonable. If I back down now she will only continue to bully you." 

 Hearing this made Tang Wuxi extremely excited after all now she could get rid of Lan Xue for good, and she also could take her place as his legal wife. But of course, she did not show her excitement on her face.

An Hoxi:" Now, do something right for once and leave, you dont belong in this house."

Lan Yue:" If I remember correctly, the estate stands under mothers name and not under you or the company. So isn't it you who dont belong here?"

Lan Yue says as she leans against the door. Looking very suave. Everyone except Lan Xue looks at her with surprise. Not only because that the previous missing Lan Fu has miraculously returned without them knowing. But also because he has a whole different aura around him.    He no longer acts like a stupid and arrogant young master. No, he even looks cool and handsome and has the temperament that a capable heir of an old prestigious family. Not only that he actually sided with his mother. But on second thought it was probably because he did not want to lose his home. Either way, Tang Wuxi glared at her with loathing that only someone with a keen eye as Lan Yue would notice. But of course, Tang Wuxi did not believe Lan Yue. It is just Lan Fu saying nonsense. After all, he may act as he has changed but those who are born stupid can never truly change. Of curse, she did not know that Lan Fu was not really him but his twin sister.

An Hoxi:"... You ungrateful son, where did you run of to all this time. You did not even inform me that you were back"

He says angrily.

Lan Yue:" Oh, here i thought you did not care if i was dead or alive since you didn't bother to look for me. And you even try to bully my mother. Tch, tch, tch, father you have no shame at all. Is it my mother who tries to cling to things that she shouldn't have or you?" 

She says as she stuns everyone all over aging. Who is this, is this really Lan Fu the famous good for nothing spoiled brat.

An Hoxi: " You ingrate, I am your father. How could you speak to me that way?!

He says while clenching his fists in furry. But his yelling dose not face her one bit. as she has a confidant smile and with a hint of smiling viciousness in her eyes.

Lan Yue: "Father, you really have a talent of going of track, weren't you the rude one first? And look your side family still think you have authority ower this property or do you want them to belive that so that you cant admit that you never has a chance to begin with?"

An Hoxi freezes on the spot and that is when the others realize that something isn't right. Could it be that Lan Fu spoke the truth?

Lan Yue:" Whats the matter, cat got your tongue?"

An Hoxi"... Fine, you can keep this house. It is not worth much anyway."

He says and runs away as he did not want to admit defeat. Bringing his side family with him.

Lan Xue:" I am sorry that you had to step in, I did not want you to see that... I really am a failure, letting myself get pushed around like that. A parent should not rely on their children."

She says with a hint of self-loathing that makes Lan Yue feel even more hatred towards An Hoxi. How dare he lower her mother's self-esteem.

Lan Yue: " Stop that, you are not in the wrong and that man is not worthy enough for you to start doubting yourself. How many times do I have to tell you that I help you because I want to?"

She says softly.

Lan Xue: ".. I'm sorry, it seems that old habits die hard."

Lan Yue: " Dont worry, you can take the time that you need it is just that I feel sad when you don't treasure yourself.

Lan Xue: " Dont worry my sweet daughter, I will do everything I can to be happy and confidant. Not only for you but for myself."

She says with a newfound motivation that makes Lan Yue smile. A smile that is so beautiful that even gods would fall for its charm.

Lan Yue: " That's the spirit"

The lord of hacking, code name: SnakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora