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" eventually, everything connects "


             There's a long drawn out moment of silence, before Nolan stands up with his fists clenched and a ferocious snarl on his lips. I follow to stand beside him, a little more stunned at the news than angry.

"How did this happen?" He barks out.

"We don't know."

"You don't-" I begin.

"That's not good enough, Delta!" Nolan snaps. "I ask again; how did this happen?"

Andrew takes a step back, eyes dropping to the ground as he answers. "We- with the commotion and everything happening he must of slipped out."

"Of a highly guarded prison?" I input my tone also increasing in volume, "you're telling us that he escapes a secure prison that was being guarded twenty four hours of the day. With him being the only occupant it's not that hard to keep an eye on him!"

"This is unacceptable," Nolan's tone is hard and I find it hard to disagree with the statement also baffled, "you have warriors on guard, on rotation. That you have picked. You were in charge of. This was and continues to be a high stake-"

"Nolan," I finally interrupt, sighing. Andrew was beginning to look like the personification of a scolded puppy right now, droopy ears and tail between his legs, his neck was barring towards the both of us and I was beginning to understand the way this may seem to him.

My hand presses warningly onto Nolan's bicep, I shoot him a quick look that he seems to understand but he still huffs unimpressed. "Where is Beta Jack right now?" Nolan instead states.

"He's at the prison, Alpha." With his head dipped, his neck still barred he responds.

I rub my fingertips across my forehead, feeling the headache starting to form.

"Lock everything down. Send out the silent alarm as per protocol." Nolan commands. "I'm calling a meeting in the office."

"Yes, Alpha." Andrew dips his head down before leaving the room, footsteps heavy.

Nolan's eyes are still a blaze of fury even with Andrew gone. With my hand still on his bicep I begin to rub up and down comfortingly.

"This never should have happened." He grumbles, looking towards me where the fire in his eyes that soften when he does, "I have every right to be mad about this."

"I can't say I am all too thrilled about this either." I wryly respond.

"This is never ending." He grumbles.

And yeah, I couldn't help but agree with that too.


It turns out we may not need to sound the alarms after all when Sorcerer Blaise calls stating she found a stray imbecile heading towards the direction of the hospital.

"I'm certain he was heading towards Shiela- perhaps to tie up some loose ends hmm?" Blaise snidely remarks, there's a rustle and grunt on the other side of the line which can be obviously put down to Raymond being aggressively handled.

"How did you find him?" I quietly ask when all is said and done and Raymond is back in his cell locked up in chains where he is meant to be.

"You really think I wouldn't put a tracking charm on him? You can never be too careful, dear."

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