Chapter 10 : It's fine

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Over time, they got to know each other better.
Heeseung has fallen for sunghoon, and likewise, sunghoon fell for the older. Heeseung however, was still confused by his feelings. He wasn't sure if the reason he fell for sunghoon was because a part of Jaeyun was inside of him, and he likes the idea of him or well , jaeyun, near him, or that he actually loves sunghoon. He thought long about it but is still far from a conclusion.

The two went out for a quick drink. Went to a nearby café, taking in the aroma of the coffee beans, sipping and admiring the fragrance of the coffee. After much debate with himself, Heeseung has decided to tell sunghoon the truth behind everything, the reason why he befriended him.
"Sunghoon ah.. i want to tell you something, i think you should know." The serious tone took sunghoon back, a little nervous, unsure what was about to come. "Hm ? What is it ?" He responded, sounding fine and unbothered by the serious atmosphere. "Well first i want to apologize"
Heeseung bows apologetically to sunghoon which made him much more confused.
"I became friends with you only because i wanted to feel as though jaeyun was still alive, still with me. I used you to make myself feel better." Heeseung said in a fast pace but slow enough for sunghoon to be able to catch it. "It's fine.", the younger said. Deep down he was of course upset, but perhaps it is the love he has for heeseung, the thought where he couldn't bear to lose him, allowed sunghoon to easily forgive the older.
"You used me in a way for yourself but what's important is that i helped you heal, i'm glad you are feeling better now" a sweet smile appears on sunghoon's face, of course it wasn't the reaction heeseung was expecting. But he had to admit, this was far better from what he had in mind.
"I am.. thanks to you" he said softly. "No problem! Haha" responded the latter

Sunghoon had to keep his thoughts to himself, no matter how broken he felt on the inside, he had to keep his cool. He kept reminding himself to stay, not to cry. Even though he was extremely close to running off, crying and never wanting to see his hyung again. But he loved him, he want to stay by his side.
His thoughts went all over the place, the person he loves dearly, most likely doesn't love him, for him. But the piece of his lover inside him..
The thought where it is the owner of the heart who loves heeseung and not himself ran through his mind. Perhaps it is the heart who loves heeseung, hence making sunghoon feel it too. As ridiculous as it sounds, sunghoon is close to believing his thoughts.

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