Story Pt 3 - A witch hunt pt 2

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Following the now smaller group, one of them states to the group "Huh, these tracks are fresh! The other beasts can't be far, milord. Best we spread out, flank them!" Grabbing the kings attention he threatened his own kin to pick a side and not come home with a clean sword.

I don't need this toxicity right now, I storm right ahead in hope to catch up to the trolls. Coming up to a way of walls as high as the skyline lined with carved faces of creatures, filled with plant life and clear water flowing through the trench, its wonderful but I stop, looking down at subtle pressure plates scattered along the ground. "Hmm" I step lightly though the Terrain. Making it effortlessly. I come up onto a broken down village with statues of once living trolls and broken walls from childhood homes, I turn the corner and see the exact troll I've been scrounging over. We make eye contact. I've been seen, before they can get a word out I'm running and tackling the Yelp in surprise, we role until we come to a stop with me over him to the ground and holding him by the neck keeping him stationed.

"WHO ARE YOU?" "I've risked my life over and over just to get some answers out of you! And it's only been less then a day!" Shrieking. I'm shaking him now with every word not waiting for a reply, my anger got the best of me in this situation. I was then thrown off by his friend and stumbled across the grassy path. I repositioned my stance watching the two recollect themselves.

"Y/n you've got to listen to me" he pleads me, I feel another pin in my side "THAT! Right there, how do you know that name?!" Further questioning him. Spear at the ready "I'm trying to explain! If you just come with us to safety" " I'll explain everything to you" murderous intent in my eyes I'm stopped by an arrow zooming passed me and hitting the female troll in the thigh, she tumbles as I look back I see the heads of the knights over some bushes.

"Callista!" He crouched down to her level she grunts again "Run, now!" Jim looks back to where I was standing, now gone he doesn't hesitate to help his friend up and continues to run away.

Meanwhile I'm running. Faster, faster come on. My breathing ragged and my throat stuffy in a direction I have no idea but the next thing I know I'm tripping down a slant of rocks. I tumbled down hitting rocks and twigs finally stopped on very soft grass compared to the rocks I just slipped on, lying there trying to regain my breath, scratches littered all over my body now making my body ache and turn. I was conflicted on what to do next, turning my body I lay on my back facing the sky. Do I try and listen to that troll or try and make it up to Bular and save him?

Covering my face with my hands I grown "AGGHH" I focus on my breathing, closing my eyes I try to slow it down, clear your head, with one last exhale I open my eyes again only to see a fugue of a woman with golden accents in her clothes and with hair tied with a greenish ribbon, she's holding this staff, 'OHMYGOD she's a witch!' My panic thinking is scary, her same green eyes look down straight down at me, I freeze staring up at the human, she bends down to me I'm sweating beads as she moves her hand to my forehead, pinching my eyes closed thinking 'this is it' 'she's gonna kill me and I never got to hide my secret stash of berries from Bular' next thing I hear is a language I've never used before, some words I can understand from trollish but the rest is gibberish. My body finding a welcomed strength I didn't have before but the moment I open my eyes again I see she's running off. 

I have no use of that armoured troll now, what he knows will stay mysterious to me but It makes me confused about where he came from. The sun still setting I decide to head to the castle and try my last luck at freeing the gumm-gumm prince from his shackles. Getting up I start running towards the direction I think is the castle.

A few minutes of thinking and running in an aimless direction I stumble but don't fall as a yellow light is shot into the clouds with a force of magic pushing my down, quickly getting back up I make sure whatever that was doesn't involve me, looking over some bushes I see the same female that healed me fighting the king himself.

"Yooo that some badass woman" I gasped as a boy with black and blue hair spots me, I don't miss a second and sprint towards the castle, if the king and his men are here then there is probably no one protecting the castle. Brilliant I pick up the pace and the sun is just about to set.

Heading across the bridge was probably the scariest bit of this mission but I continue and find myself hiding in alleyways and crouching behind boxes.

I sit for a couple of seconds, my sweat beads come racing down my face as I realise the realisation.

'I Have no idea how to do this' It hurts my brain, why did I think I could do this without a plan, as plans turn out I see the king and his men walking though the gates that I walked through just minutes ago, I hear a so so conversation. "Now magic has truly taken everything from me." "She's gone. We failed."

I listening in on how sad they are but I can't feel sympathetic because the information is coming in one end and sliding out the other, I've never understood humans, their emotions elude me.

"But I tried. I tried to fix it." The young boy interrupts my thoughts as I watch him and Merlin talk.

"Don't you see, boy? There is no 'fixing' anything. Every change has consequence. Knowing the future is a responsibility to bear with caution, lest you cause worse things to happen." The rude man spits back. He walks off leaving the boy on the ground with his cat looking thing, they hug. Ew. My thoughts light up, he lives in the very castle in trying to get into, I could use him, 'ha ha ha, I'm so evil, ha ha the prince will worship his greatest soldier because me his right hand... changling? N O BEST FRIEND...yea that'll work WILL SAVE HIM FROM HIS SHAKLES!'

"oh yea, it's all comin together" I quickly move into plan to follow the two and snatch them in an alleyway. Very sneakily moving closer I manage to snag the boy and push him against the wall. He give a surprised gasp and them an "OFt" "what the? Hey I know yo-" my hand stops his MMM from finishing "No, No you don't now listen very carefully, I need you to help me get into that" pointing quickly at the tall structure "Castle" I finish. " now you will help me or I will do unspeakable things to that cat" trying to sound as intimidating as possible, I now point down to the Feline who stares blankly at the encounter. "Uh uh yea I can help you, I just have to ask. Aren't your friends with Jim and Claire right?" He baffles me with his weird question "I have absolutely no idea on what or who they are" I'm done with this conversation.

"Are you going to get me there or do you want to see how you insides could look outside" I threaten once more. That shuts him up

"Yep. Right this way milady" he leads the way back towards the castle into a door that's not the main one. We head up some stairs and sneak through some corridors as he try's to hide me from guards or heaven forbid the king to see me in his territory. Not exactly welcoming when you look like you just came out of a mud pile, I mean the tail and horns give me away a little, but only a little. He then shoves me in an empty room with a fire place and shelving with old books and artefacts. We both let a breath out of relief.

"Aright, I need you to stay in here just for a second and I'll go Grab the gang" he orders me. "Archie, make sure she doesn't leave this room" he also orders his associate. "My my Douxie, really leading into uncharted territory" the cat speaks in a teasing tone. "Douxie" I now know his name, leaves without another word. I'm still standing looking around the room some more I walk towards the window and see just how high up we are.

"This is way higher then my tree" whispering to myself amazed, I turn back around and sit on one of the cushioned seats. I don't really want to talk to the cat so we both just sit in silence for a while. Thinking to myself I try to plan my next move when the "Douxie" busts through the down with two more figures behind him. Quickly getting up from my spot I hold a defensive position. One of the two I know as "Steve" who looks like that handsome knight, but the girl I've never seen her but she wears a gown of a purple and short black hair with colours threaded through it. They see me "Y/n" she speaks, my posture slouches I just sigh.

" I wanna go home" I whine

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