meeting your partner

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Slender, you and P/N were sitting on the kitchen, it was a awkward silence, P/N already knew about the creepypasta so he wasn't surprised to see a faceless man who was like 15 feet tall (a little scared because he is your dad) Then slender finally broke the silence.

"as long as they doesn't hurt you or cheating on you, I approve" you and P/N were so happy you almost kissed but slender stopped you, "also no kisses"


you were trying to hide your relationship with P/N but that didn't work, somehow Jeff found out (probably because Sally and Ella found out and told him) you were now in the kitchen with your dad and partner, he was glaring at P/N but they looked calm (witch surprised you a little) then Jeff broke the Silence.

"a long as they doesn't hurt you or cheating on you or kiss you, I approve" Jeff said still glaring at P/N.

"I won't hurt them, I won't cheat on them, and I have already kissed them" P/N said and ran away before Jeff could kill him, He ran away leaving you a blushing mess.


You were sitting in the living room waiting for P/N to come and get you, you were going on a date, just as the doorbell rings your dad just happen to walk by the door.

"I get it" he said, you were scared, you haven't told him about it jet, he open the door to see P/N there, Alex looked confused for a second, he looked at you and then to they, "I see you are here for my child" Alex say calmly, P/N nodded, Alex whispers something to them, them nodded and you walked out with P/N.

"what did he say" you said wondering if you dad scared him a little.

"oh nothing big, just that if I hurt you or cheating on you he will kill me, but that won't happen" P/N said, you giggle and you guys continue to walk.


He already know

(sorry I am out of ideas)

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