I take a deep breath, feeling a strange wave of sadness washing over me. With Arthur gone, I'm alone for the first time today. Not that it lasts that long.

"Hey Sakura, I need to head off, and I was wondering if you want to join me?" Lelouch's voice announces his presence, but I don't look away from the dancing couples.

"You're not even going to ask me to dance?" I pull my legs up, wrapping my arms around my knees. "Not even one dance? Its almost like you're not even my boyfriend. Maybe I am the mistress," I mumble to myself.

"Are you okay? Did I say something earlier?"

"Are you really that dense, Lelouch? Do I sound okay?"

His body comes into view in my peripheral as he takes a seat next to me. "First you tease me with the word mistress. Then you taunt me with saying all my girls are in one place. I try to figure out if you're jealous, but you snap at me. Now you're pouting because I didn't ask you to dance, but we've only ever danced together in my room. I can't change my behavior if you don't tell me what is wrong."

"I'm glad to have you back, so don't get me wrong with what I am about to say. I like who you are, and I wouldn't go back to what it was before. But still, a week ago, you were the loving boyfriend that did everything to make me happy and feel like I was the only girl in the world. Held my hand every chance you got, slow danced in your room, watched the news and let me bitch about everything. Now, there's so much on your mind, and sure, you still love me. You still have an act when around the others-"

"It isn't an act. My blossom, I promise that it isn't an act. It is only different than how I normally would show my affection, but they know what I used to do, so I can't go back to how I was before."

"Okay, so it is just a change in the way that you show you love me when around the others. Either way, I feel a bit tossed to the side. Ugh, I sound like such a clingy teenage girl, and I hate that I do, but I can't help that this is how I am feeling." I shake my head. "Then you come out here, and we can see all the couples dancing, and you don't even ask if I want to dance too. That hurts."

"I'm sorry," he lets out a sigh. "I know it doesn't make anything better. That it is just an apology coming a bit late, but I am truly sorry. I don't mean to make you feel that way, yet I can't seem to stop doing so."

I tilt my head enough to see Lelouch look down at all the dancers. "This is all for her, I know that, but a small part of this is for me. I'll accept your apology once I see that you're actually trying to be better."

"Would you like to dance, Sakura?" he turns his head to look right at me.

"Don't you have somewhere that you need to be?"

"It can wait if my blossom wants to dance in front of everyone," he slightly smirks.

I smile, throwing myself at Lelouch in a hug. "You are such an idiot. I can't dance down there dressed like this. Where are we going? Can we dance there?"

"We're going below to the security room they used to keep track of me. I have a call to make, but we'll dance before that. And I'll never take another girl out on a date. Fake or not."

"You better not," I place my hands on his shoulders to push myself back enough to look at his face. "That was a dick move, Lelouch. The last time was different because I was in on you going to that concert."

"I'm sorry, my blossom," he presses a soft kiss to my lips. "I needed to get off campus, and she gave the perfect out. Never again. I'll figure out a better way next time."

Power of the Kings: Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now