The School Festival

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"I don't really think it is necessary for me to be wearing a yukata, even though this is a festival, so it would make sense that I would wear one like I did when I was a kid," I look over at Shirley and Milly as we stand in the student council room. "I really appreciate you two going out, finding this wherever you did, but I'm going to stand out walking around in this." I look down at the yukata on my body that the two girls picked out for me. It is a beautiful baby blue with bright cherry blossom branches scattered all over, and I also have a flower hairclip clipped in my hair on the left side. I've only worn yukatas and kimonos a few times in my childhood, and as much as I love wearing this one now, it doesn't feel right.

"But we are celebrating where we come from, which is why I am wearing this," Milly motions to the maroon dress with white trim around her arms and giant pink hat with a long white bow that she is wearing. "Don't I look like a true noble?"

"You look like you are ready to go watch horses' race, which I guess is a yes to your question," I force a smile. "What about Shirley, though?"

"What about me!?" Shirley blurts out. She's wearing a pink shirt with white around the collar, jean shorts with a small apron in front, pink thigh-high socks that have white frill at the top, her school swimsuit underneath, and her hair in high pigtails with a lace headband.

"You look like a waitress, which is not where you come from. That is all I am trying to say," I raise my hands in defense. "I'm not saying you look bad or anything. I think you look great."

"It's because I have to be a waitress for the swim club," she pouts.

"We just thought that you would like to feel truly yourself for one day," Milly steps up to me, placing a hand gently on my shoulder. "You look super cute too. I know a certain boy that will love seeing you in this."

I feel my cheeks heat up as I look away from her. "I can't believe that you would try to sway my decision by bringing up my boyfriend."

"I thought you would know me better than that now, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that I get my way. I'll drag you out of this room if I have to."

"That won't be necessary," I take a deep breath. "Let's just head over to get this all started."

"That's the spirit!" Milly smiles, grabbing my hand, and then Shirley's, and dragging us out of the room.

The last time that a festival like this was held, a few days later the princess was committing genocide while I was dealing with the shattered pieces of my heart and mind. It feels bittersweet that this would be happening again. Especially in honor of my brother.

"Sorry we took so long, boys, but beauty takes time," Milly chuckles as we enter the intercom system room.

The four boys are in their school uniforms, but Rolo and Rivalz (along with a chef hat) have pink aprons over theirs, Lelouch has a tassel of sorts hanging around his neck, and Suzaku has a large bow pinned to his shirt.

"Ah, Sakura, you remind me of when we were little, and they would dress you up for the spring festival," Suzaku teases, pinching my cheek. "I didn't think you had any that fit you, though."

"I didn't, but Shirley and Milly said they bought this a while ago for a birthday present, but since we didn't see each other much of the summer, they decided now was better than never," I smile. "It is super cute, and I will cherish it for a long time."

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